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Ryan protested the idea of us staying in the little cabin greatly. He whined so much that I felt like covering my ears or screaming at him. I had saved him, I had done something lovely for him by keeping his out of that awful dungeon and away from my furious father and the only thanks I got was him telling me my plan was stupid. The plan I had come up with in less than a day to get this man away from my family and all the other werewolves who hated him was stupid.

Finally, when I couldn't take it anymore I walked into the little bedroom, slamming the door shut behind me before I entered the bathroom and started the shower. I was fuming in the steamy shower, furious at him for being so ungrateful, but I couldn't deny myself a little bit of relaxation. I was in a safe place for the time being and it felt so pleasant to be free from those drenched clothes. I stayed in the stream of hot water long after the shampoo and conditioner had been rinsed out of my hair and my skin was turning red from the heat. But I couldn't hide behind the shower curtain forever so I sighed, shut the water off and stepped out. I dried myself off with a fluffy towel and sauntered back into the bedroom to find some clothes to wear. I felt so good in the thick hoodie and the warm sweatpants that I let out a little sigh of contentment before I opened the bedroom door, ready to face Ryan again.

"I need to go back to my pack." Ryan said.

I ignored him and walked towards the tiny, outdated kitchen. When I pulled open the cupboards I was greeted with faded labels on cans. I wrinkled my nose in disgust, but I had known all along that we couldn't have any fresh food lying around.

"I know you don't have a pack to run or a real job or anything, but I need to go back to them." Ryan continued.

I gritted my teeth tightly at his words, but stayed silent and I kept looking for more decent food to eat. There was nothing fresh and nothing that would hold a lot of nutrients. There was plenty of pasta, lots of canned beans and vegetables, some jams that hadn't been open yet, and a single jar of pickles. I knew that I could survive off these things for now without any issues, but Ryan's body needed more. He still had to recover from the beating the guards gave him and that would require lots of vitamins and protein.

"Are you even listening to me?" He demanded.

"No." I replied honestly, "And I won't listen to you until after you've had a shower and changed into clean clothes."

"We need to keep moving." He argued.

"Maybe you should wait to have a shower, it will dehydrate you." I mused. I twirled around the kitchen in search of my backpack. Once I found it I pulled out all the food I had stuffed into it and set it on the counter. I hummed to myself as I plucked a glass for a cupboard and filled it with water to accompany the food.

"You don't have a very good grasp on reality, do you? Your parents, the king and queen are going to be tearing apart this whole continent looking for you. And when they find me with you they're going to kill me. We need to keep moving."

"Ryan, please, I understand that this is hard for you but you have to trust me. We will be okay here, no one will find us and we need to stay in werewolf territory if we want to keep our wolves alive. You know that being surrounded by humans would slowly weaken our wolves. No one knows where this place is besides my parents, okay? They built this place to get away from everything. Besides we took a very different route, I only remember it because it was the way I would try and sneak back home when I got tired of being bored all the time. No one knows we are here."

"My pack-"

"You have a very loyal beta. Let him do his job for a couple days. We won't be here long, just until everything dies down and my parents are able to think rationally." I soothed.

"Adeline, I won't stay here."

I had had enough. I spun around to face Ryan, my eyes blazing with anger, "Sit down and eat." I commanded.

Ryan seemed startled by my sudden outburst, but he became even more surprised when his body actually moved to the counter, he pulled up a little bar stool and sat down. He stared at me in horror when his hand reached for a fork and he began eating the omelette. Once he realized what was happening he tried to fight it, tried to put down the fork and speak, but he couldn't. I would be lying if I said that it didn't please me a little bit. I poked around the kitchen a little more while he ate, trying to get familiar with where everything was.

"Adeline, we need to go." Ryan began again.

"Well, since you're done eating I think it's time you showered." I said.

"Are you going to force me to take a shower?"

"I will if I have to. There are three closest in the bedroom. The large one is my mother's; the two smaller ones are my dad's. I think his clothes will fit you and I imagine that they are in much better condition in comparison to your current attire." I murmured.

Ryan gave out a small groan before I moved off the chair and went into the bedroom. I was left alone in the kitchen wondering what I had gotten myself into and how I would manage to get myself out.

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