Chapter 7-Sleepovers

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Kai was really nice the entire time. He dealt with my stupid questions that I was asking because I was tired and wasn't thinking. He seemed to relax and be more cool than before. I noticed he was nervous but enough to change him? I wonder how long he has been here. He's really funny too, he keeps making me laugh with funny stories of when he was a kid. I can't believe he likes to read too! I wonder what else he reads!

Maybe he shares the books with Milo! This is so exciting! Haven wasn't one for reading but I've never heard of a boy liking to read! All the boys at school seem so stupid and only care about sports. And in this pack, two boys like to read! He showed me the other rooms and they were amazing! Each single bedroom has their own fireplace! There's a giant king sized bed too! The boys' room looks like fun too with those bunk beds.

I wonder how close they are since they live in the same room. Their room didn't have a fireplace but it did has beanbag chairs by the window. Kai shows me the many bathrooms that have been recently remodeled and it reminds me of the bathroom at home. Then I begin to wonder if I will get to live here with the rest of the pack. I shut down those thoughts quickly trying to remind myself to be human.

But being a werewolf looks like so much fun... not that changing into a giant wolf is fun but living together as one giant family seems nice. I'm an only child and liked that, but now I have the possibility to gain a sister and brothers. And the other adults could be my aunts and uncles. Summer seems like an amazing aunt, she and Mom seem like sisters from the way they act. 

I remind myself that I have Haven and I can't leave her. But Kai said I could still be with her. But I would have to keep this secret every time we're together. If she asks what I did while I was sick I can't tell her about what really happened. I can't tell her how I met Kai. I can't tell her about any of this. I can't lie to my best friend.

Kai and I walk down the hallway to go back downstairs. I am laughing at his comment of how girls take forever in the bathroom.

"Don't worry, I don't wear makeup so it doesn't take me a long time," I reassure him clutching my stomach from laughing.

"Pfft that's what Ruby said," he says waving me with an easy smile. 

I keep laughing and we come to the balcony again that goes over the first living room. There are other balconies that are outside but it started to rain so we didn't go out there. I notice a new area I didn't notice before when I came up. Tucked away in the corner is a large grey chesterfield that looks very squishy. It's piled with pillows in a little cut out in the wall with curtains tied back. I walk over and sit on it feeling curious.

I sink down and lean back on the couch feeling very comfortable. Kai smiles, "Oh yeah, and that's the hideaway."

"What do you guys use it for?" I ask fingering the dark teal curtains. 

"Making out."

I freeze and give him a bewildered look.

He laughs, "Just kidding," he says waving me off and sits down next to me, "it's just for hanging out. Milo uses it to read while Ezra does homework in here with the curtains drawn," he explains.

I look around and smile wanting to read in this little hideaway so badly. To cuddle up with a blanket with warm hot chocolate behind the curtains... I give him a curious look, "Do you read here too?"

He looks confused for a split second, then nods quickly, "Yes but not often."

I nod slowly picking up a pillow and hugging it close, "It looks like a wonderful place to read."

He smiles at me, "Yeah."

Then I hear someone running up the stairs. I crawl to the edge and poke my head out wondering who it is. Then I see Ruby run up and look around quickly before noticing me.

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