"He just insulted me!" he argues throwing an arm out towards the kitchen.

"He was just saying-"

"What?" Kai asks sharply, "Do you agree with him?"

"What? That's not what I said," I retort giving him a look. 

"Well-," he sighs running a hand through his hair, "what did you want to say?" he says slightly calmer.

"You were just taking charge that's all. He was probably joking anyways. Aren't you all friends?" I ask crossing my arms looking down at his bare feet.

He sighs, "Yes, we're friends."

"Exactly, he didn't mean to embarrass you. And how could he anyways? You all know each other so well," I say shrugging trying to reassure him though we just met.

He gives me a sad look, "But we don't know you."

My eyes widen, my heart feels hit by his sad look. "That's alright," I say trying to act cool, "I won't judge until I've properly met someone. I'm even giving Ezra a chance."

He smirks, "Ezra is a very hard guy to get to talk."

"I can tell," I comment shuffling my feet. He keeps trying to hold direct eye contact with me, it's making me slightly uncomfortable. I don't usually stare into people's eyes while talking to them.

"So sorry about that," he says scratching the back of his neck.

"It's alright, the only way you can get me mad is to insult my reading habits," I say playfully as I shrug. But entirely serious about the reading part. 

He smiles, his light blue eyes lighting up, "I'll keep that in mind."

"So... the tour?" I ask looking around. He puts his hands in his pockets and looks around as well, "Yep. Follow me, I'll show you the bedrooms," he says and starts to walk up the stairs. I follow him up the polished dark wood steps up to the second floor. I walk over to the balcony that looks out over the entire first living room. I caught a glimpse of the second one while coming up. I hear the loud chatter of the rest of the pack from below.

Kai comes up behind me and leans on the railing. I give him a curious look, "What?" I ask. I am leaning on the rail too, he's five inches away from me. He glances over at me, "How are you doing?" he asks seriously with a concerned look. I raise an eyebrow, "Why do you ask?"

"It's hard, I remember my first time changing," he says simply and looks down at the living room.

"Well it's weird trying to get used to everything..." I answer truthfully feeling uncomfortable spilling my emotions to someone I just met.

"Yeah, I could have sworn on my life that werewolves didn't exist, eh?" Kai glances over at me again with a sly smile.

I smile looking down shyly, "Me too."

"But I couldn't ask for another life. Being double dominant is pretty fun, being stronger than everyone and all," he says and flexes his arm to prove his point. I giggle leaning forward and slightly kicking the post. His arm is muscled like the other boys, none of the boys at school are so ripped. Or good-looking.

"I wonder how strong I am," I wonder out loud looking forward studying the antlers hung on the wall. He nods, "Yeah me too."

"Huh?" I ask confusedly.

His eyes widen a fraction and he flushes red, "I-I mean you." He straightens and looks embarrassed again.

I laugh and look down at my crossed arms. He manages to laugh with me sounding forced. In the corner of my eye I catch him scowling to the side biting his lip like he's scolding himself. What's up with him?

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