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I went back inside and noticed that second period has already started

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I went back inside and noticed that second period has already started. Seeing as I was already kicked out of one class, I didn't necessarily want to be kicked out of another so I just skipped it.

I went back down the hall towards a leaflet for the debate club in order to sign up for it. 

After doing that, I really didn't know what else to do, so I just sat in the cafeteria after sending a text to the cheer team telling them that practice would be postponed for an hour, seeing as I had detention after school. 

I just sat there for a while scrolling through my Instagram but I soon got bored of that too and took out the book I was currently reading and continued reading it till my second and third periods ended, I had a free period for my third. 

Finally deciding to move, I went to my locker to take my Pride and Prejudice book for literature class and moved along to it. I really didn't know why I was so calm, It's probably just the calm before the storm.

Just as I started to think I was being paranoid and that nothing was going to happen, a hand smacked my butt just before I walked into class. 

I turned around to see no one other than my beloved Alex, please note the sarcasm, smirking at me with him his friends,

"See? I told you boys. She won't do anything. She's just a slut."

I raised a single brow at him and started laughing. Like a full on belly laugh, while they just stared at me like I was crazy. I probably was, but that's not the case. 

"You really wanna do this Alex?"

"What are you gonna do Babe? Scratch me with your nails?"

I looked at him in disgust and replied with a cold voice.

"1. Don't call me babe, I'm not your babe. That's just egh."

I raised a second finger and continued,

"2. We both know that I can kick your ass whenever, wherever. So come on, show me what you've got Casanova."

I could hear his friends snickering at him and could feel a crowd forming.

"You know I'm not afraid to hit a girl Jessie"

I slowly walked over to him with a swing in my hips, just to have more fun, and ran my hand down his face.

"Ya?" I whispered in his hear, just loud enough for him to hear.

I moved just slightly away to say, "Well I'm not either", before bringing my knee up to kick him where the sun doesn't shine. As he doubled over in pain, I used that as my chance to grab his hair and smash his head into my knee. 

I smiled in satisfaction as I heard the sound of his nose cracking. He fell to the floor and I took that as my chance to kick him one last time. 

Just as I was walking away, I remembered something. 

I turned back to him and laughed menacingly before talking. "Oh and just so you don't have any wishes unfullfilled..." 

I walked to him and scratched his face with my nails, not enough to scar, but just enough to bruise for a couple of days. 

"Bye now" 

I flipped my hair as I walked away, FINALLY going to my literature class. 

This has been such a fun day, I'm so ready for it to be over.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 20, 2017 ⏰

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