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So now, here I am. Home alone. 

One reason why I hated staying at home was because it meant that I'll be alone.


1. My parents were NEVER home

2. My brother is at this party or at that party. 

3. I have no pets.

What is so bad about staying home alone you ask? 

Being alone forced me to think about my not so fairytale-ish past, if that's even a word. My past was so messed up, but I never talk about it to anyone cause I have a pinch of trust issues. I mean, everyone just leaves you in the end, it doesn't have to be willingly but they still do. 

Andy I miss you so much, it's been a whole year, I wish I could just bring you back for one second to tell you how much I miss you and how much I wished I could've spent more time with you.

 I curled up in my bed, hugging my pillow and already tasting the salty pain known as tears. I just miss my brother so much. 

I don't know how long I stayed like that, but after what seemed to be a long time, I felt someone hug me tightly, slightly rock me and tell me how it's gonna be okay and how Andy would not want me to be like this. I don't  know who it was, but at this point I couldn't care less, it felt nice to know that someone actually cares. 

You don't find that much nowadays.

Sometime during the night I felt the person slip into bed and hug me, both of us slipping into unconsciousness.


The next morning I woke up to the feeling of an arm being wrapped around my torso and soft breathing on my neck.

I looked around, slowly adjusting to the light in the room. I was in my room, that was for sure, but then... why did I feel like someone was beside me?

jumping  up out of my bed,  I grab the first thing in front of me. Which just so happens to be my covers, which of course makes me trip and fall back on the person next to me. On my bed.

A huge gasp escaped me. 

No, it's not possible. He's dead. He isn't here. He's dead. He's dead. This isn't real.

I shake my head furiously as I stare at...

"Andy" I breathe out softly. God please help me, please let this be real. I let out another shaky breath as I started reaching out, hesitantly, towards the person who looked exactly like my dead  brother. 

Suddenly the person started coughing blood on my bed.  Slowly blood started coming out from his eyes and nose too. The horrifying image of my brother started laughing sadistically making it look scarier by the second, especially when it showed it's bloody teeth.


I started pulling at my hair, shaking my head, and closing my eyes to get the image out of my mind, except it stayed there laughing loudly, suddenly I heard the hoarse deep voice of my brother yelling, angrily, "IT'S ALL YOUR FAULT, YOU KILLED ME!! AND NOW I'M TAKING YOU WITH ME!"

"NO, please no. It's not my fault. This is not real".

I felt something pulling me towards a seemingly never-ending darkness. I didn't want to go.

"No. Please Andy. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. STOP. STOP. NOOO!"

I kept on screaming until everything went black and I finally succumbed to the darkness. 

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