13 Plot Twist

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I ran back to Branch's bunker. Knocking on the door loud, I wiped away my tears. "Branch! I have good (sniff) news!" I heard the locks from the inside click once more. Once the door opened I lunged forward and hugged Branch. "Happy to see me?" He said, he oddly sounded Australian. I looked at him. It was Creek. Before I could do anything he held a white rag over my face and all that was displayed in my field of vision was darkness.

I awoke and there was an itch on my leg. I tried to reach for it my my arm was held down. I opened my eyes to find myself in Branch's basement. "Wake up (Y/N) mwahahaha!" Creek was riding down on the elevator. I gasped. "What you thought I was Branch? Well you wont just leave me and go toy with him." I smirked. "Oh yeah, well just wait until he comes back, he's gonna kick your tush." Creek laughed again. I had a bad feeling about this. "What is Branch gonna do when he can't even scratch HIS tush?" He said and dragged Branch out of a dark corner. He was tied up and bleeding a bit. "Branch!" I yelled and thrusted against my shackles, trying to break free. Creek just continued to laugh.

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