11 Temptations

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Y/N's POV;

I honestly miss Branch, as a friend. I miss the days when it was us against the world. I miss everything we used to do together. Creek is starting to get a little feisty it's really making me feel uncomfortable and I wish I could talk to someone about it, like Branch. God do I miss him, but he hates me to the bone. I have to at least try to go see him. Screw it I have to, our friendship has to last. "I trust you, you trust me, we sing in perfect harmony, I trust you you trust me, I have you till the very end and you'll live on as my best friend." I sang and skipped to Branch's bunker. Once I arrived at his door, I gave two loud knocks. "GO AWAY POPPY!" I heard Branch scream from the inside. "You with the sad eyes...don't be discouraged oh I realize it's hard to take courage in a world full of people, you could loose sight of it all, the darkness inside you can make you feel so small." I sang loud and proud. I head the locks from the inside of his door click as if they were being unlatched. I looked up happily and Branch opened the door. "Show me a smile then, don't be unhappy, can't remember when...I last saw you laughing." He sang like an angel. We walked inside and he closed the door and we both continued the song. "This world makes you crazy and you're taking all you can bear, just call me up cause I will always be there, and I see your true colors shining through, I see your true colors, that's why I love you." We both stopped and realized what we had just said. "(Y/N).." Branch said blushing. I smiled at him. I grabbed his face with both of my hands and pressed my lips against his. He jumped back a bit but soon he began to calm down and kiss me back. He was hesitant when I wrapped my arms around his neck. He was afraid to touch me. He eventually wrapped his arms around my waist pulling me closer. It felt so much better to kiss and hold Branch better than it did Creek. I ran my hands through his coal black hair. He pulled away for air. "Are you sure you want to do this (Y/N)?" He asked nervously. I smiled at him. "Just you wait, Creek is as good as gone." Branch grabbed my arm. "No (Y/N), don't dump him for me it's wrong, I've ruined your relationship forgive me." He fell to the floor in guilt. I grabbed Branch's face again and looked into his blue eyes. "No were meant to be and you know it." I told him. He smiled and pulled my face down and kissed me again. I had no choice but to sit on him. He opened his mouth more deepening the kiss and I did as well. Maybe he'll explore my mouth. He slipped his tongue in and out of my mouth. Soon he began to plunge his tongue in and he began to hold me closer. I pulled away before we'd move any farther. "He's gone." I simply said and ran out the door.

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