DH - Chapter One.

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Eleven years after.

"Excuse me!" I exclaimed as I ran past Mrs. Clint. 

I heard her grumble something as I passed, but I was too busy watching Winifred to hear what she was saying. She looked down, and suddenly turned to the left, I followed her, leaping over a fruit vendor stand and calling back an apology to the dumbfounded vendor.

I entered the forest, knocking an arrow as the rabbit's tail disappeared into the brush. Winifred and I chased it into a clearing, where I got a clear shot. Still running, I pulled the arrow back, and aimed. I took a deep breath, and let a bit of anger seep into me. Time began to slow, and steadily, I let the arrow go. It sliced slowly through the air, and then gained speed as time returned to normal, hitting the rabbit in the back of the neck.

Winifred settled down on my gloved arm, and looked at me with her round red eyes.

"Did you see that, Win?" I laughed, jogging over to the rabbit.

I leaned down and grabbed the rabbit, lifting it for the young owl to see. "Papa will be proud!" I told her.

I stood, taking a strip of leather and tying it's feet to the pile that hung from my waist. "Let's go and give these to Mum, shall we?" I gave Winifred a piece of the jerky father had given me for the hunting trip, and let her take off, heading in the direction of our land. 

I looked up to watch her leave, and noticed that dark clouds had begun to roll in, and fast.

I had noticed that the animals in the forest were scarce, and it was unusually quiet. This would probably be a mark for the coming winter. Deciding to take the long walk around to see if I had snagged anything on the snares, I began walking through the forest. I dodged branches, and brier that hid amongst the brush, grabbing onto a branch and swinging my way over a fallen tree. 

I looked around for the snare hidden in the brush, and found a rabbit's foot sticking out of one of the bushes. I smiled.

A harsh wind blew as I was leaned down to release the dead rabbit from the snare, and I grimaced. It wasn't so much cold to me, as it was annoying. Nothing seemed to make me cold anymore.

As I stood to grab a leather strip from my satchel, the snap of a twig nearby caused me to freeze. I looked up, blinking through the snow as I surveyed the area. Animals everywhere had taken shelter - and this sounded rather large. I put my head down and closed my eyes, listening intently for another sound, but after a minute, I gave up. I had to get home before the storm broke through.

after tying the rabbit to my waist, I started home. it only took a few more minutes to break through the trees, as my house came into view down the hill. The harsh wind was picking up, as I made my way down, and Winifred circled overhead, waiting for my return. She swooped down, landing on my arm as I began jogging back to the house. Snow was beginning to fall, and the chimney was smoking, signaling that I was just in time.

I stopped on the porch, turning to Winifred. "Go and take cover, Win," I murmured over the howling wind.

She shook out her feathers, before spreading her wings and taking flight. She glided through the wind, before disappearing into the trees.

I turned and made my way into the house. "I'm home," I announced, settling my bow down by the door.

"Just in time, Levina!" Mother murmured, rising to greet me.

"I see you've gotten quite the feast for us tonight," Father chortled as he gripped my arms, smiling.

"Father," I greeted with a smile of my own.

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