and for the first time in forever // last part

Start from the beginning

 And I'm feeling so small 

I feel so out of this world. I feel out of the ordinary. I feel like I no longer belong here anymore. I feel much safer when I'm with you. You fighting the evil and protecting me from the cruel place we call society. 

It was over my head, I know nothing at all

I'm lost. Just lost. I no longer know what to do. 

And I will stumble and fall

I've fallen for you... hard. I've stumbled myself upon you, and I can no longer live without you. You're like air, the only thing keeping me alive.

I'm still learning to love, just starting to crawl

My love for you is growing much more intense, much bigger, much stronger everyday where it has become a sin to stop loving you. I can't ever stop. No matter what, you'll always hold a special place in my heart. My everything revolves around your everything. You're my everything. My sunshine. 

Say something, I'm giving up on you

One last time, please.

I'm sorry that I couldn't get to you

You were always there for me when I wasn't always there for you. I was always hiding away in our bedroom, hiding away from the outside, hiding away from reality, hiding away from everyone and everything. I'm really, truly sorry, sorry for everything I have put you through, sorry for all the pain I have caused for you, sorry for not being happy for you, sorry for not holding on any longer, sorry for giving up...

Anywhere I would've followed you

I'm coming now. Don't move. Stay where you are. 

Say something, I'm giving up on you

Almost there. So close, I just almost there. 

And I will swallow my pride

After this letter is done. Here I go.

You're the one that I love

Always will be you. I'm doing this just for us. 

And I'm saying goodbye

So close... yet so far away. 

I'll be there soon, baby. 

Wishing us forever and eternity,


P.S. See you soon. I miss you very, very much. I love you  xx

We have to further more investigate on this sudden, tragic death of Ashton Irwin. 

For now, let us send our love to his family.

Today, we lost a great hero. He was a hero to many and has no idea how many lives he has saved. Through his music and passion for many things, he is an inspiration to many teenagers around the globe. 

He never thought him and his best mates would become this big. With over 2 million likes on Facebook and millions of followers on Twitter, they're just getting bigger and bigger every second, minute, hour, every single day. 

Many fans of the supposedly "punk rockers" have declared today as "Ashton Irwin Day".  He was known to be the one who was stopping the Australian pop-punk band from actually being punk rock because of his girly giggles.

Always in our heart and sending our prayers to his family, rest in peace, Ashton. 


Dearest Lukey, you look so perfect standing (I would say in your American Apparel underwear, but now isn't the time) there with the wings of an angel. You truly are an angel. It is so amazing to finally see you again. Promise me you'll never leave me again? Please? I just can't do anything without you. We fit together like how the Moon is always going to be orbitting the Earth, always there for one another. We're like two pieces of a broken heart mended and fixed together. We're like Tris and Tobias from Divergent. I am your Tris, and you are my Tobias. 

Wherever we are right now, whether it be heaven or somewhere for the after I life, I still love you. I've missed you so, so much. You have no idea how difficult it was for me these past few months, and now to finally see you, it's so surreal. It's like this is a dream. I'm afraid that if I do hold your hand or anything, you'll just disappear away from me, and I'd wake up finding myself panting with sweat, realizing that it was only just a dream. 

But, it's not a dream. You're actually right here, right now, at this very moment looking at me with your such blue eyes with a smile formed on your lips. 

"It's so good to see you again. I've missed you."

"I've missed you too."

"I love you... with my everything. Don't leave me ever again, please."

"I promise I won't, angel. I'll be here as long as you need me. I love you."

and for the first time in forever...

hello, angel










and wow. it's over. that's the end.

i don't really like this chapter/letter/thing. i think it confused a lot of you, but eh. eh. it confused me. i had no idea what i was writing.

hello there, fellow readers! sorry it has taken me like 3 months to update. i've been very busy with school and a lot of stuff that I just didn't have time to update. Also, I wanted this last chapter/letter to be amazing. 

thank you for reading this short little story filled with letters luke and ashton wrote to each even though none of them have read each others letter to each other. that may have sounded confusing, but i'm pretty sure you get what i mean.

i don't think i've told you (i probably didn't), but i saw the boys on saturday (4/12/14) at their show/concert in LA. they were absolutely amazing. it felt so surreal. i waited outside with my friend for 9 hours to get in just to have a good view (it was general admission). it was worth it. i made them tshirts, and i was going to throw them on stage, but it was very crowded, and i didn't want to accidently elbow the person behind me. i wish i could relive that night over and over again. 

so... i hope you have enjoyed this little story, and if you did, please share it with others, vote, comment, do whatever as long as it's legal. i don't want you going to jail. 

dammmnnn look at that gif right there 

thank you. ily :)

have a wonderful day/night

- me

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