Chapter 1

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*beep beep*


I woke up and groaned. My head felt fuzzy, but that didn't stop the pain from all over from seeping through my wall of fog. I tried reaching my face, but felt the tug of something holding me back and heard a muffled clink.

"What the-."

I couldn't move my arms. They were tied down at the wrists and it felt padded. By this point, I was starting to flip out. I tried to open my eyes, but immediately regretted the decision. The harsh light of fluorescent lights made me want to cover my eyes and roll over. Where was I?

From the small glimpse I got, all I could see was white with a few shadows. I tested my legs and found them tied down too at the ankle. I waited for my eyes to adjust to the brightness. My other senses slowly returned and I noticed a pinching sensation in my left arm. I cracked my eyes ever so slightly and looked down.

I had a sickly green colored gown on with a strange symbol on the chest pocket. There was a needle and a tube that I couldn't see where it led that fed a clear liquid into my arm. As more feeling returned, I felt two large lumps under my back. Must be some of the sheets bunched up. Arching my back slightly and wiggling did nothing to get me more comfortable. Dang it. The lumps were still there.

I tried to stretch as best as I could with my arms and legs tied down. In mid-stretch, I felt a feeling only described a opening up. I turned my head, glanced behind and stared in shock. On my back, there was wings. My thoughs started going a mile a minute and I stayed in that position staring at them. I could not think of a way this was possible, I must have gone crazy! This was stuff SciFi movies where aliens strap you down and experiment on you.

I tried to remember how I got into this situation but couldn't come up with any clues as to how I got here. A mental ward was the best I could come up with. I look away and take a few calming breaths. I don't think that I'm crazy but that must be what all crazy people say. Almost scared to look back, I crane my neck to look again. I must be high on those happy drugs, because they are still there. I unfurled them a bit more finally got a better look at them. They were stunning. Each wing was at least nine feet long and dark brown.

My thoughts were immediately ripped from my wings and happy drugs as I heard a lock click the sound of a door open that was out of my line of sight. I froze with my body still half twisted as heels clicked on the hard floor towards me and stopped.

"Awake already? We didn't expect you to wake up so fast. Interesting..." the woman said. I heard scratching so she was probably writing something down.

"Am I crazy?" I couldn't help asking with thoughts of mental wards still in my head.


A/N This is my first story and I am not sure exactly what to expect. I hope you enjoyed the first chapter and I will try to update often.

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