If I wanted you could I have you?

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I turn over in bed and look at my clock.  Almost 3 o clock.  I rip the blankets off and go downstairs.

I know I got heavy feet so I try my best to be quiet. As I get closer to the kitchen I heard noises coming from it.

I grabbed a near by broom and clutched it tight. Man I was about smack whatever was in the house way down by the water.

I was right by the kitchen walk way. 1...2...3! "Ahhh!" I charged in the kitchen full speed, but stopped. "Roscoe?"

Roscoe looked above the fridge door with a big Kool aid stain around his mouth.
"What are you screaming for? You're gonna get us in trouble. " He closed the fridge door and walked toward me.

He stopped immediately. His eyes got really big. "Um. Flauj? There's something behind you." His voice was really shaky and he looked scared. I let out a small yell dropping the broom. I ran my but right over by him and grabbed his arm.
He started laughing, so I finally got it. He was joking around. " Man you really play to much." Even after knowing he was playing, I was still shook.

"Roscoe why you do that? Now I'm scared." I didn't want him to know but I was really scared of the dark. He looked down. "Why are you all up on my arm? Now I'm scared."

I ripped my arm away from his, even though I didn't really want to. "Why you gotta be so cute" I said under my breath. Roscoe looked at me right when I said that. "I heard what you said, you're not slick."
"I didn't say anything. You trippin." I shoved him and went up the stairs.  I need to learn how to whisper.


"Wakey wakey. Time for eggs and bakey!" Nova and Ekko were sure up early. I mean come on. It's 5 in the morning. The sun didn't even wake up yet!

I washed my face and put my house shoes on. If the rowdy wranglers hadn't woken everyone up yet, the scratching of my dragging shoes probably did. 

On my way down I bumped very hard into Tally. "Dang. Someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed." She said rubbing her shoulder.

I barely tapped her. " My head way down. It was an accident." It really was an accident. I promise. Instead of pushing my issue, I kept going downstairs.

To my surprise, Roscoe was up too. All three of them; Nova , Ekko, and Roscoe. They were all up play fighting. "Aye let's jump Dee!" Roscoe said. I heard what he said and booked down the hall. The house was big enough for me to get run fast enough. I mean I did run track. I stopped when I figured I lost them. I put my hands on my knees to catch my breath. "Got yah!" I nearly jumped out of my drawls. "Yo chill." He had so much energy. How?

"I don't think I've ever been in the hallway before." He said looking around. Neither had I .
"Nova?" He quickly turned around.
" Yes Deetranada?" I started tapping my fingers on my legs. It's what I do when I get nervous.
"I got a question. So I saw this post on Instagram the other day. It said something like if I -"

"If I wanted you could I have you? Yea. I saw it. What about it?" He was looking at me but I was looking at the ceiling, trying to avoid him. I was scared that if I looked at him, he would see right through me. He stepped closer to me. I stepped back . Not now Nova , I have to focus. He stepped up again. Just when I was about to take a step back he grabbed my hand.


So technically Dee didn't say she likes me. But I could feel it. I'm pretty sure the people reading this can feel it too! She was playing hard to get, but it wasn't hard for me to like her and that's the hardest part. When she was backing away, I quickly grabbed her arm and pulled he close to me.
"Dee. Why are you running?" I can tell she was looking at the ceiling. I tilted her face to look at me, but she looked back at the ceiling. I sighed and lowered my hands to her waist. "Dee I would. I mean you could if you wanted. I mean-". She giggled and started blushing.
"Nova I get it. I gotta go get dressed so..." She started walking back toward the front of the house. I had to think fast if I wanted to keep this up.
"Dee,wait. I'll race you." She turned around very slowly.

*Authors note*
Hi everyone 😊 I really enjoyed making this story! I would love to hear what you have to say so please leave comments. I also would love to hear about the things, people, and ideas you want added. I'm very flexible with your ideas and they will most definitely be added. Thank you for reading 😊💕

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