Wingfic AU

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I know, pretty late for Jackrabbit week. Ah welp, I'm still doing the challenge and writing everything in here. This is going to be an unedited fanfiction, but I am very picky on grammar, so there aren't many mistakes. If you all like my writing style then plz check out my fanfic, Restoring Balance, because that is where I put all my effort into. The prompt!
Day 1- Wingfic AU: The gang realizes Jack has wings.

"Why can't the bloke just make it to the meetin's on time?" E. Aster Bunnymund grumbled as he dashed through the tunnels, on his way to a special winter spirit's home.

Once Bunny reached the terrain, he hopped out of the ground and hollered, "Frostbite! Where are ya?!"

After no response, Bunny set out to find that rascal. There wasn't really any proper place to start, so Bunny began to look through the trees nearest to the pond bank. Not finding him, the Pookan brushed aside vegetation, looked through tree holes, and even ducked under a rock formation that contained the sparse belongings of the nomadic. No luck.

Bunny rolled his eyes. "Ya know ya can't hide from meh!" Still no sign of Jack Frost.

"Alright, I warned ya. Just know that I ain't kiddin' around, Frostbite." The pooka took a big whiff of air, trying to find Jack's scent. It took him a while until he latched onto the winter spirit's smell.

A mixture of pine needles, snow and a tang of metallic blood. Wait, blood?

Bunny's eyes widened comically as he followed the scent. Along the way, another smell barreled into him, burnt flesh. Was Frostbite okay?

Finally, the trail ended. Bunny wished it hadn't.

Tangled in the branches of a tree was indeed Jack Frost. A Jack covered with horrendous wounds. His once blue hoodie was soaked in ruby blood, revealing some nasty bruises through open tears. Hands were branded with burned tissue and gashes on his arms and legs appeared to be cauterized in torturous methods. Hair was muddled with a mix of dirt and blood, creating a murky brown. The shocking part were the wings nestled within the tree.

White, translucent, angelic wings bent in odd shapes that were attached to Jack's back.

"Snowflake, what happened ta ya?" Bunny approached slowly to the beaten Jack.

Jack tiredly blinked open his eyes. "Summer spirits." He started coughing up a bit of blood mixed with lots of saliva, the fluid oozing out of his mouth and falling onto the hoodie.

"We gotta get cha ta tha pole!" Bunny proclaimed, already trying to strategize a way to free Jack with little harm.

With an action in mind, Bunny searched through his canister for something. An eureka expression was on his face when he fished out a piece of chocolate.

"Eat this mate," Bunny said as he propped the candy into Jack's mouth. Jack complied, albeit chewing slowly, confusion etching his features. That was when Jack started feeling a whole lot less pain.

Jack croaked, little bits of chocolate in his mouth, "What... was that?"

"Special Pookan pain relievin' chocolate." Bunny smirked. "Works like a charm."

Jack smiled back, fading into a slight groan when Bunny's paws gently lifted him up.

Bunny's face immediately fell. "Sorray Snowflake, this is gonna hurt a tad."

Jack howled in pain as Bunny tried to slide Jack's wings through the branches. Aster grimaced, ears twitching. He aided Jack into chewing two more pieces of that chocolate, efficiently dimming the suffering.

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