Chapter 3

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Makoto was in his office place as he was working a new painting. He slowly ran his paint brush down the canvas in a straight line before turning it into a curved line.

Makoto had his hair pulled up in a ponytail since it was hot, and he didn't feel like dealing with long hair. His kimono was slightly open around his chest, and it was loosely put on. That was for another reason too. His baby bump did make this kimono kinda tight since it was a tighter kimono than the ones he normal wore. He cleaned his others, and they were drying at the moment.

"Makoto," Kinshiro said as he walked in and closed the door behind him. Makoto gave a small hum, not looking up. Kinshiro chuckled slightly and walked over. He placed something on the table and sat down by his lover.

Makoto looked at Kinshiro before at what he put on the table. He blinked a little as he saw that Kinshiro had got a few sweet dumplings and tea.

Kinshiro kisses Makoto's head. "You should take a break and eat. You are eating for two now. It's okay to take a break get food or something to drink."

Makoto sighed and put the paint brush down. He pushed his painting away and pulled the dumplings and tea over to him. He took one of the dumplings and took a bit of it.

"Did you get these from Haru's?" Makoto asked as he looked over at Kinshiro.

"I did. I heard that she had the best food in Nagasaki so I got something for you," Kinshiro said.

Makoto hummed and leaned his head on Kinshiro's shoulders. He mumbled, "To tell the truth, I think the first symptom was cravings for sweets."

Kinshirp chuckled a little and kisses his head. "Then I made a good choice on what to get you."

A few days later, Makoto had told the Nagasaki Vigilantes that he was staying in Edo for a while, and that he would be visiting Nagasaki every now and then.

Makoto was packing his things. He looked up to see Kinshiro standing there. Kinshiro gave him a smile and walked over to help him.

"Ready to leave tomorrow?" Kinshiro asked as he kisses his temple.

Makoto nodded. "Yeah," he said. "Huh?" He looked at his stomach and blinked. He sat down on the ground with Kinshiro sat with him.

The blue haired man grabbed the green haired man's hand. He pulled it closer to him and pressed his hand on his baby bump. He smiled at him. Kinshiro gasped with wide eyes. His lips turned into a big smile.

Kinshiro pulled Makoto into kiss. Makoto's back hit the ground with Kinshiro leaning over him. He smiled and pulled away from the kiss. Kinshiro smiled at him. Makoto wrapped his arms around Kinshiro's neck.

"I'm so glad that I came when I did. If I didn't, I wouldn't get to feel them kick other wise," Kinshiro smiled.

Makoto laughed a little and smiled up at him. "I'm glad that you did too. Love you," he smiled at him.

Kinshiro picked Makoto up. He was a little heavier than he normally was since he was gaining weight. Kinshiro put Makoto on the futon and laid down with him. He wrapped his arms around Makoto's waist and put his head on the baby bump.

"Night, Makoto," Kinshiro mumbled as he fell asleep.

Makoto chuckled a little and smiled as he wrapped his arms around his lover and closed his eyes. "Night, Kin."

In the morning, Makoto woke up to Kinshiro snuggling into his side. Makoto turned and peck Kinshiro's lips. Kinshiro smiled at him.

"Morning!" Kinshiro said, wide away.

Makoto let a small hum as he sat up. He got off the futon and stretched his back. Kinshiro chuckled slightly.

"We're leaving in about an hour. There's a small city we stay at half away since it's a long way to Edo," Kinshiro told him.

"Okay," Makoto said.

Kinshiro smiled and stood up. He leaned over and softly pecked Makoto's lips before going to get dressed for the day.

The Man Who Carried a Vigilante Leader's Child(SWD MakotoXKinshiro Mpreg Story)Where stories live. Discover now