"Mmm~ anything?"

"Anything! But you have to promise me that.... after I do it, you HAVE to let them go."

IU nodded her head and smirked.

"Oh Leylia, you shouldn't have said anything. Anything could be like... oh I don't know... cutting your wrist? Burning yourself? Jumping in a pool of piranha's?"

I looked at IU in horror. What was going on in her head? Is she this crazy about Jungkook?..... Ohhhhh I kept thinking.

"You know that Jungkook is not the only human being alive right?" I said.


"Jungkook may be good looking, funny, hot, and strong, but their are other guys that would love to steal your heart. He may have liked you, but that was before. Your heart may love him.... but doing all of this won't make him like you any longer."

"Ha! What kind of corny speech is that? Of course he loves me! I'm the only girl he told all his secrets to! I'm the one who took care of him! I'm the one who turned him into a man! I'm the one who he has to love so that I can finally be happy in my life!"

IU took the time to turn around. The whole room was silent and everybody heard her sniffles.

"You can't force love IU.... it's not love if it's force. You're not in love with him if you do all of this. You're obsessed with him!"

IU turned around and pointed her gun right at Leylia's head.

"I'm sorry? Obsessed? I'm not obsessed Leylia. I'm not in love either. I just want him by my side so that I have someone for me when I need company."

"Then why do you do all of this?! You can talk to anybody! Why does it have to be Jungkook?!"

"Because he was supposed to marry me when we were in highschool but he didn't want to and left to be an idol!!"

I looked at Jungkook. Marriage? I kept thinking about it. This bothered me in some way. Knowing that your boyfriend was supposed to marry a different girl can hurt.

"Arraeso.... what do you want me to do? So that I could break them free and please your life."

IU nodded and handed me the gun.

"I want you to shoot yourself in the head. I'm sorry Leylia... I just can't let you live on..."

I pointed the gun at my head. Why am I doing this? Why does my heart tell me to do it but my mind says no? Which one do I listen to?


Jungkook freed himself from the guys and ran to me. He hugged me like I was going to leave him. Oh wait... I was.

"Jungkook? What are you doing?"

"I'm not letting you kill yourself. It's an obsured thing to do. It's not right! None of this is right. IU gave me all her love but I couldn't return it. I can only return it to you because I love you. I love you with all my heart. You can't kill yourself so that you can save us. You have to stay with me,by my side.... forever."

By this point, I was crying my eyes out.

"Jungkook let her go." IU firmly said.

"No... you let ME go. I'm done with this. You know, it doesn't even make sense now. You say that you love me but then you don't? You say that you're not obsessed but what do you call this? I'm not the only one who entered your life and disappeared."

"Fine.... you can choose. Me, or Leylia. If you choose me, then you live. If you choose Leylia then you die." IU sighed out.

"I would rather die with Leylia than live with you. Oh wait! I got one. Freedom or Jail?"

IU became confused, and so did I.

"You can go to jail with the police or let us all go and not be in Jail."



About 10 cops came in and grabbed the bad people by their arms. Many reporters, cops, and photographers were waiting outside for our arrival.

When we set the other 5 boys free, we walked in a big group and met up with Jin. He was waiting outside by the van, posing for every picture.

"Hyung? Where were you?" Jimin asked.

"Uhm... getting the cops?"

Jungkook eyed him once again but looked at me. I felt a little bit more tired and fell, but luckily Jungkook was holding on to me.

"Leylia? Yah! Leylia!"

Let me rest up a bit...


😂😂 This doesn't even make sense anymore. Also, it's getting close to the end of the story. Shall I do a part 2 of the book or a sequel??

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