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"Uh, where's Hoseok hyung??"

Rap Monster spent a night at Seo Yun's house just to make sure that she was alright. Everybody else was freaking out though. Hoseok has gone missing and no one knows where he is.

"Do you think they took him? Like Taehyung and Leylia?" Yoongi asked.

"Of course they took him!"

Jin raged at the situation. He didn't know why Suho was targeting him. He didn't want to get involved. He didn't like the way he was living.

"Should we report to the police?" Jimin said.

"No, the police is on the search for Taehyung already and if they can't even track him then they can't get Hoseok hyung" Jungkook said while coming out of his room.

"Then, we have to go find them ourselves..."

Jungkook nodded. They all went to bed but couldn't get a good night sleep. Everyone was scared, sad, or angry.

The next morning, they all met in the kitchen. They were hoping that one of them had a plan.

"I have one. But it may be a little risky"

Jungkook said while looking at his phone.

"What is it?" Jin asked.

"I.... will meet up with IU and get information out of her. After she tells me I'm pretty sure she'll want me to forget about Leylia and so I will act like I'll think about it. But while I'm with IU, one of you guys have to act clueless outside and wait until someone captures you. The other 2 will watch from afar and help knock out the kidnapper. Am I clear?"

They nodded their heads and decided who will be the bait.

"I'll be the bait. I'm pretty sure th-" Jimin's words were caught off with Jin's voice.

"We should check on Rap Monster first..."

They blanked out and thought 'We forgot about Rap Monster!' They all rushed out the house running towards Leylia's house. When Jin knocked, they were relieved to see Rap Monster opening the door.

"Hey guys."

"No time for greetings. We need you for our plan" Jin said while breathing hard.


"Hoseok was taken last night and Jimin is going to be bait this time so while he gets kidnapped we're going to knock out the kidnapper"

Namjoon nodded his head and grabbed his shoes. He quickly left after telling Seo Yun that he was going to find Leylia.

"IU is waiting for me. I'll be going now. Do the plan right okay!"

Jungkook ran away to the cafe that IU wanted to meet up in. The other 4 went to a park and acted like they were leaving Jimin alone but they were all actually hiding in different spots of the place.

Jungkook's POV:

After I left my hyungs, IU kept texting me on how excited she was for our date. When my phone buzzed again, I muted her number.

"Oh Jungkookie!

I heard as I entered the cafe. The voice that wasn't Leylia's. The voice that I never loved and is full of my hate.

"Hey IU"

I sat across from her and ordered my food. The whole time I was trying to look for a drink, her eyes were glued onto me saying Notice me. After I politely ordered my things, I cleared my throat to get her attention.

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