Chapter 9

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Diana chatted lightly to Sidney as they made their way towards Ross' office, all she had to do was drop off some notes and she could be on her way to lunch.

"What the hell?"

"Huh?" Before Diana could react she was forcefully tackled to the ground by her panicked coworker.

Dazed, she gathered the notes from the floor and prepared to stand back up. "Sidney, are you crazy? Where do you think we are, a rugby pitch?" She exclaimed, her arms flailing around aimlessly to express her shock. "Why did you do to that?"

Sidney held a violent finger to her lips so hard Diana winced as her front teeth dug into the inside of her lip. "There's someone on Mr. Sterling."

Diana rolled her eyes. "So what? Mr. Sterling has private meetings all the time."

She was on the verge of walking away from her deranged coworker when she conked her on the side of the head. "Are you deaf woman? I said there is someone on Mr. Sterling. On as in riding him like a horse."

Diana's faced scrunched up at the comparison. "If you wanted to go to lunch alone all you had to do was tell me."

It was Sidney's turn to sigh. "Look through the blinds."

"No way, are you crazy?" Diana took a step back from her friend. "I'm not spying on my boss Sid." She deadpanned.

She stomped her foot childishly. "Fine, go in. Give him your notes. I'll be here waiting." She folded her arms and feigned anger, knowing the unforgettable sight Diana would behold when she entered the office.

Diana huffed, tightening her grip on her work. "Don't mind if I do." Without another thought of a yapping Sidney, she entered his office.

How uncanny that of all days, it was this one she forgot to knock.

The thud of her jaw could be heard as it dropped to the floor, Sidney was right. Someone was literally on Ross. More specifically a red headed woman.

He hadn't seen her come in, likewise she could barely see him. His face was buried halfway down the woman's bosom.

Knowing she had no choice but to announce her presence, balling her hands into mortified fists she cleared her throat.

The woman was the first to look up at her, her ocean blue eyes almost overcome by the dilated look they had. Her eyes zeroed in on Diana and she wanted nothing more than the ground to swallow her whole. Ross practically through the woman off him. Diana masked a chuckle as she struggled to catch her footing with the painfully high heels she had.

"What can I do for you Diana?" She noticed a red smear on his crisp white shirt which he would no doubt have her send to the dry cleaners.

"I have the notes you asked for and I'm going to lunch, so I'll be back in an hour. " She kept her line of sight soley on Ross, the dagger like stares the red haired woman was giving her were undoubtedly intimidating. She was the perfect mix of Regina George and Emma Stone.

Ross smirked subtly, his eyes made sure to capture every emotion Diana was feeling at that moment, Sandra was great at pleasing him but nobody could bring him to his knees like Diana. He had a damn crush like a hormonal schoolboy, pitiful.

She appeared indifferent by Sandra's presence, he didn't expect anything less from his professional secretary and simply chuckled to himself. He wondered what Diana was like when coaxed out of her rigid shell.

"Hold on one second." He halted her escape with the lift of a finger. "Sandra, I'll see you tonight."

She nodded eagerly. Please don't kiss, please don't kiss. Diana couldn't stop the blush that crept up her cheek as she placed an audible smooch on his lips. Her thumb moving to wipe the lipstick from his lips when she was done. "I'll be waiting." She winked before walking past Diana as if she was a brick wall and exited the room.

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