Night Time

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Kimiki stayed after school again to watch Aduka play her flute. It started getting late. Kai finally relized that she wasn't going to her dorm.
"Kim, time to go." Kai said placing a hand on her shoulder as she stared at Aduka.
"I think I'm going to stay out a little longer." Kimiki said.
"Come on, we have a curfew. Plus its dangerous to be out here with the vampire students roaming around." Kai said.
Kai being a werewolf, he was scared of vampires. At midnight, vampires lose control and wander at night. Eventually they learn to control it, they learn to block out the moons power.
"OK ok, I'm coming." Kimiki finally said. They both walked back to their dorms and went to bed for the night. Kimiki couldn't sleep. Her mind was full of the question "who is Aduka". She heard a strange noise at her window. It was tapping. She heard a tapping noise. Kimiki got out of bed and observed the window. All of a sudden a twig hit the window. She opened the window to see a boy standing at the bottom.
"Hey, come on let's go." He said waving at Kimiki.
"Huh, who are you?" Kimiki whispered.
"I'm Rin. Now are you coming or what." He said.
"What are you talking about?" Kimiki asked.
"You want to see Aduka, right?" He said smiling.
Kimiki gasped. How did he know?
"I-I'll be right down." Kimiki said.
She slipped on a robe oveher night gown and raced down stairs. She got outside and saw Rin. He was tall, brown hair, and was wearing dark glasses.
"Why are you wearing glasses? It's the middle of the night." Kimiki asked.
"They help me block out the moon." Rin said.
"Wait, you're a vampire?" Kimiki asked.
"Yes, but don't worry I can control myself." Rin said.
"What to you know about Aduka?" Kimiki asked.
"She is a vampire." Rin said. "She tries not to act like one, but contact lenses and having no personal connections won't help her. I'm one of her friends, well we used to be. I noticed you sit by the pond and stare at her everyday. I guessed that you were curious about her."
"I didn't know she was a vampire. That would explain why the werewolf's called her a rich kid." Kimiki said.
"I'm willing to take you to the pond. She sits there all night." Rin said.
"What about the other vampires?" Kim asked.
"Don't worry. I'll protect you." Rin said.
He grabbed her hand and smiled. They ran off toward the courtyard hiding behind bushes and concrete as they ran. They got o the entrance of the courtyard, but it was infested with vampire students. Rin transformed into his bat form.
"What are you doing?" Kim asked.
"Ready?" Rin asked.
He grabbed Kim by the back of her collar with his small feet and lifted her off the ground slowly flying over the building. She started to scream. He took one claw off her and covered her mouth.
"Shhhh. It'll be fine." Rin said.
"I still don't appreciate some one I don't even know flying me over a building." Kim said blushing a little.
He set her down by the dock of the pond and turned back to his original form.
"Sorry I flew you over a building. It was the only way to get past those vampires." Rin said.
"Its fine. Just make sure it is OK with me first." Kim said
She turned around and was looking into the blood red eyes of Aduka Fujikawa.

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