Holy Helel, 10K....

411 9 2

I really don't know what to say and how to say it...

The only thing I can say is thank you for all of this support and all these reads along with votes and what not but I just feel that it was never enough. This all started over the summer with me trying to help out other persona fans with puzzles and what not showing other people how difficult they can actually be and without going on youtube to rewind a video several times. Looks like it paid off~ it's really funny that how this was the first random book I put up and it fell behind Fire Emblem, but now it's neck and neck-and it's absolutely stunning. I'm shocked because I felt that I could only reference back to this if I had trouble on puzzles and stuff but I guess I was wrong. Drabbles were put up eventually, memes, comedy, tragedy of characters, and the whole spectrum of what it's like to be a leader in each game. I know I'm going on and on but hear me out for just a bit longer! Please? owo Well I guess your still here-I know I owe you guys a Max Social Link with Shinjiro since like last year ;; but you know school gets in my way- but all that aside I truely thank you all. Really I mean it!!! :3 KEEP LOVING PERSONA!

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