Kings,queens and the spies

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King Harold sat in his throne. His arm lent into the the arm rest, and head in hand. He listened to a commoner groaning for compensation for a broken stall. Of course it was the Pinkertons. " your majesty I demand.." but was cut off. "Oh so you demand from your king! The way I see it is you were in a spot which you've been warned not to set up shop so there will be no compensation" with that Harold gestured to the guards who escorted the man out. As they did a man dressed in black walked in. His face was covered in a scruffy black scarf only dull grey eyes showing. A curved dagger at his belt, and his clothes seemed to have a black cape. Harold jumped to his feet. "Leave us!" He said making the guards bow and leave. "Is it true? Did you find her?" The king asked as soon as they were alone. "Ah ah ah" the man said rubbing his thumb and index finger together. The king immediately threw a hefty coin purse to him. "She's here. She's 15, well her birthday was yesterday. It appears she's a strong nack for summoning" the man said said handing the king a scroll "now it was all from eye and she saw me so most is from memory but I think it's a good likeness" the king took the scroll and unrolled it. He looked upon a drawing of shadows face. "Thank you I call upon you when needed" the king said no sooner than later the man in black left.

Harold walked quickly to the gardens, seeing his love sat on the bench a basket of flowers in hand. "I found her love I finally found her" Harold said sitting next to her. "My love we never lost her she's been with friends if what you told me was true" the lady said looking at the scroll. "Hate to say it love but I'm seeing all me and no you" she said making Harold chuckle. "Aye I did too" he smirked "she's at the academy" Harold said seeing a worried look from his love. "She's at dangers door then" she sighed but Harold took her hand. "No love she's all the safer there. She will learn to be a summoner, a fine battlemage. She will have her brother there too" Harold rubbed her hand in a reassuring way. .but Aramis doesn't know of her. For all we know they could become rivals" she looked into Harold's eyes. "Don't worry my love even if they do that would mean they'd be keeping an eye on each other" Harold kissed her forehead "now we must be brave for the sake of our children"

Harold walked through the halls of the castle. "Aramis has made it safely to vocans?" A voice said coming from behind Harold. "Yes father he's there" Harold turned to his father Alfric. "Not that he needs it" Alfric chuckled "iv taught him already" Alfric said walking beside Harold. "Still father he needs to learn among the other cadets. He needs to know his allies" Harold said earning a nod. "Yes that we agree on but I don't like the commoners being there with the future king" Alfric huffed. "They have as much right as others. There's even a dwarf and an elf" Harold smiled sensing his fathers disapproval. "It's not right! We are giving our advantage to the dwarfs! And we are still not a peace with the elfs! What if when they gain the ability to summon they both betrayed us?" Alfrics voice bellowed. "Well your not going to like the fact that I'll soon be lifting the children ban and the law of them not buying land" Harold smirked. "You'll do no such thing with me around!" Alfric was fuming. "You forget two things father. I'm the king and the enemy is the orcs!"

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