A hero to be

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Arcturus hugged shadow who hugged back looking over his shoulder at this boy. The first thing that came to mind.......boy he stunk! Shadow pulled away and looked to Arcturus. "This here is Fletcher he's...." Arcturus didn't finish shadow butting in "a blacksmith" shadow said seeing Fletcher tense. "Don't interrupt! I was going to say he's a young summoner" Arcturus looked at the boy. He wore a nice leather jacket with his hood up. Shadow peered at his neck and went giddy "oh my god it's a salamander! Iv always wanted one!" She smiled at the boy who blushed before smiling.

Shadow sat at a table alone. She would look over to the table where Fletcher and Arcturus sat now and again. She was out of earshot so didn't even try to listen. She started looking through the rucksack she'd brought inside was a few books, bits and pieces but the thing that took her by surprise was the orc depictions. On the one it showed an orc shaman. But it appeared that someone had circled the hand. She looked at one of the books which the drawings corner was in. She turned straight to that page and wasn't surprised to see it was a journal most likely of a summoner. She started to read

'Iv continued my research in the orcs and their demons. It appears that they have a whole different arsenal of demons. Obviously this is due to their ether key being different. I believe that the keys are simple and unlock the portals like a door after all our keys alway open in the same area give or take. I believe if we slightly change our keys we could possibly enter a new location. Anyway today I made a discovery! I found what seems to be an old underground temple. I literally hit the jackpot. Summoning scrolls, depictions the whole lot. But I fear I'm running out of time our presence in the orcdom is known. So I have entrusted my mite, slate is his name to Cary my rucksack to an old stall vendor I know I dare say he will sell to a summoner so if your reading this I am dead. But I have stored this knowledge for you. I hope you continue my research. I only ask one thing of you there are a few summoning scrolls of orcs in this rucksack. You should hand the bag to the provist at the academy. He's a nice man will take the scrolls and most likely leave you one as a thanks, I dare say he will even give the rest back to you after all I know I'm not the only one to do this. Manny summoners who have been in the same situation have done the same. Anyway the thing I ask you is that you resummon my mite.i know they are weak but slate is a good demon I left his scroll in the bag as well. He's a scarub mite so he's one of the stronger types. I thank you and wish you luck'

"Wow!" Shadow looked at the book and the bag in shock. She pulled out a scroll on which the name slate was written with his summoning words. Shadow instantly went to Arcturus and explained. "Well he isn't wrong.....Fletcher here was given a journal" Arcturus shook his head rubbing his face "I hate young summoners going into danger knowing they won't return" he slammed his fist into the table "he's right though. This slate and one orc demon scroll is yours as you paid for it the rest give to me and I'll sort it out" shadow did as told taking two scrolls "listen I think five demons is enough yeah? Don't go getting ahead of yourself" Arcturus said taking the bag. "I won't" she smiled looking at her scrolls "please be a salamander please please please" shadow said making Fletcher smile. She ran upstairs to her room "best birthday ever!" She shouted before preparing for her new demons

The next morning shadow had a smug face. She stood waiting for Fletcher. Both canids at her feet. She even had her dragon on her shoulder. The dragon was no bigger then the canids and perched happily. A slate grey mite fluttered above her head. She wasn't much for friends but she now had four demons and that was plenty. The fifth however was hidden away. Shadow smiled when seeing Fletcher emerge from the inn and ran up to him "I got one! I really got one!" She said giddy lifting up the satchel flap to show a salamander peering out like the posh girls handbag dog. "And here I thought they were rare" Fletcher rubbed the back of his neck awaking a sleeping salamander which he was yet to name. "They are but I reed a bit of the book before handing it over. It would seem that the albino orcs have them. My one dates back years and years ago I presume, I guess we will have to find out"she smiled and he in turn smiled back

It was a Fairly quite cart ride to the castle known as vocans academy. Shadow had the odd conversation with Fletcher. He was manly interested in the demons around her so she would tell him what she knew. She even got out her journal showing him the sketches she did of them all. Shadow was deep in thought. Right now she had a strong connection with Aquas the others was a tingle in her head. But when she infused them for the first time she wondered how she would cope. But she knew that her five demons would give her an advantage and that her mana levels would be very high. still she went over the picture which she had kept from Arcturus. She knew those symbols were spells and the pentacle was one used when infusing, but she couldn't quite put a finger on why they were on the orcs hand. Still never mind she was happy to be at the academy...... and happy to be a bit further from Fletcher.......he smelled like sheep dung.

When they got there a man wanted explanations. Shadow simply said her name and he let her go but this man merryweather was giving Fletcher an earful. In the end Fletcher waved her off shadow waved and headed forward on her own. She walked in and noticed a servant cleaning. She looked around and followed the directions her father gave her and surly enough came to a door as described. Shadow knocked on the door and a voice boomed "enter!" Shadow walked in closely followed by her demons and closed the door. The room was warm and she looked around till her eyes landed on a man. He was old, has a grey boomerang moustache. "Well well it would seem iv found why the ether is lacking demons" his voice was showing humour but was also serious. "Provist Scorpio I am shadow Lovett" shadow said bowing slightly "ahhh come come sit down I have been expecting you" Scorpio ushered her to the chair opposite him "we are glad to have your parents here no you Miss are a bonus" Scorpio stroked his moustache "you mother came to me yesterday and explained a few things. But she never said you were this skilled is it four demons I count?" Scorpio asked looking at her. "Five sir. I happened upon two yesterday" shadow said making him raise a brow.she inturn explained the situation. "Well that's very interesting. I hate to say it becoming common. We ask summoners ensure there findings make it safe even in the......worst of situations. You miss Lovett are very, very lucky. You have to exceedingly rare demons plus another three less so but that doesn't mean less powerful demons. I trust you understand the responsibility" he said looking at her with eyes of uncertainty. "I promise sir I am capable iv even started my research all ready" she said reaching into her bag which disturbed the salamander with a annoyed hum. "That's quite alright no need to show me just yet. I'm sure your doing your best but know the bar is set high for you" he placed a piece of paper on the table and signed his name "sign her cadet Lovett" he said tapping the paper. She did so. "I suggest you take a look around and select a room. The other nobles are not yet to arrive till noon so you get a pick of all" he shook her hand "I look forward to seeing your progress" he said waving her out.

As shadow walked out she saw Fletcher walking with a panting servant the one who was cleaning "goodluck Fletcher, he's a kind man" shadow tapped his shoulder and looked to the servant as Fletcher walked in the office. "Umm are you ok" shadow said handing him her water canteen. "I'm....I'm out of breath.....asthma" he said having a drink "think you" he said handing the canteen back "no problem" shadow said putting it back in her bag "I'm Jeffery" the servant said holding his hand out "shadow" she said with a smile shaking his hand "nobody ever offered water before" Jeffery smiled "well I'm glad and they should you shouldn't suffer. Take it easy I know your condition is hard" shadow smiled "I'm about to look around care to join?" Shadow offered. "I'd love too but I better wait for Fletcher. Next time though" he smiled "ok then" shadow tapped his shoulder and walked away. She looked around the whole castle only taking like an hour.

By night fall shadow had come to the nobles dorm. It was huge. A servant not long ago lit the candles as the nobles would arrive soon. This made shadow absorb the wyrdlights she'd produced and went to her room. The common room she was in was huge. A large table was in the centre. With posh seats at the table and around the room. A chandelier hung from the ceiling leaving the room lit in an orange glow. She made her way through the girls area and into the room. She picked the largest not out of spoiledness but she did have five demons needing space. The room was large. A feather double bed with a large chest at the bottom, an arrow slit which had a functioning window and curtain, a wardrobe and chest of draws, a desk with a candle but she added the ones she brought before. There was a uniform on the bed but shadow put it straight in the wardrobe as her mother had paid to have one made. She looked at the bare walls "I'm defiantly gonna put some shelfs up" she said looking at her demons "well when your infused you'll be fine but I'm definitely going to get supplies and make you all some beds" she sensed their happiness in her consciousness. She looked to the bed seeing both the canids curled up on the bed. As they did Aquas followed suit also laying on the bed. She smiled and sat at her desk she started to finish her sketches of all five demons one to a page. Slate sat on the desk watching. Shadow stoped hearing movement outside her room. The nobles were here"

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