a k a s h i (birthday special)

Start from the beginning

As her dark eyes gleamed in curiosity, she opened it and was faced with another velvet box. "My dad is such a tsun-ts-"

But the poor girl was cut off as she looked at the ring inside. At first, she thought it was from her father. But in the box, there was a small card that had a very much familiar handwriting. "No..."

Zandea inspected the card and her cheeks flushed. It simply said: I found this ring while searching presents for you. May this ring remind you the everlasting love I have for you and you alone.

The ring was shaped into an infinity, with small pieces of diamonds wrapped around the body. He's such a sap, the girl thought. But she knew this was crazy expensive. How extravegant could her boyfriend get?

Upon closer inspection, she saw another small note under the foam. It read: Clever girl, you found it. Now, I need you to go to Rakuzan. Do as I say.

Her lips parted. Was this a scavenger hunt? Really now? Or a surprise party? Or maybe a small party? She didn't have a single clue. Damn Akashi Seijuro, making me wonder! She yelled internally.

She got out of the mansion's driveway and sped off to Rakuzan, not caring if she was going above the speed limit. What? This girl was crazy. She needed to know what's up.


As she arrived at her former high school, she immediately saw Seijuro's black BMW. She took her seatbelt off and went to knock on the car's tinted windows. As the windows were rolled down, it showed Seijuro's driver. "Happy birthday, Miss Villoso. Forgive my future actions. Akashi-sama has asked me to do this."

Zandea cocked her head to the side. "Thank you. And what do you mean?" She asked. She then saw the man come out of the car and carry her to the backseat, sealing her there. "What the?!" She said as she was trying to open the doors, yet the childlock was in use. "Ugh, Seijuro," the girl muttered as his driver chuckled. "It's your boyfriends's orders. Now, I still don't know where to go yet, but I will once you recieve your second gift." The guy said, handing the pouting lady another velvet box. Inside was a silver necklace with their two birthstones mixed together. Zandea gasped in awe as she observed the material carefully. There was a card underneath that. It said:

Forgive my driver to force you inside, knowing you're very much persistent. You see, I can't just let you drive around, you'll tire yourself. It's your birthday.

Now, consider this as part two of the ring you recieved a while back. I thought, if there was a ring, there has to be a necklace.

Now, tell my driver we're going to the place we first met, had our first kiss, and first made love. You know that place well enough, Dea.

She flustered. "A-Ano... We'll be going to Seijuro's house..." The girl muttered as she wanted to bonk the boy's head.

The moment they arrived, her door was opened and she was set free. She immediately ran up to the front door, ignoring the "Good morning, Miss Villoso." she heard from left to right.

She ran up the stairs and went right and faced the two white doors that'll lead to Seijuro's bedroom. She held to the cold metal knob and opened it. Inside was nothing surreal or special. Seijuro's neatly made bed was in the middle of everything, his office in the right side of the room and on the left side was to his closet and bathroom. "It should be in here, anywhere really." She muttered as she jumped on his comfy bed.

Shards of the memories came back to her.

"H-Hello, Akashi-san. Your parents have asked me to introduce myself to you."

"Hello, Villoso-san. Pleasure meeting you."


"I... Like you," the dark haired girl admitted as Seijuro lifted her head for her eyes to meet his.

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