Ch.1 - Falling Inlove

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I grow,feeling nothing...

No emotions.


I feel nothing of them,I am indifferent.

'I was not normal' they said

Not until ....

Morning was peaceful,it's a sunny day.A good day of spring,
cherry trees are blooming bringing the color of spring back after the season of cold.

Other than,just that,awaits the opening ceremony for teenagers to go and step for highschool.
Which a lot been looking out for,
growing by theirselves and independence.

Mostly things,teenagers can contribute to the growing community.Rather than just lazing around the corners of their rooms.

Speaking of independent,
dependence to other is still quite....evident.

Banging the door loudly,a orange haired boy knocks at the door,
not giving any care to the neighborhood who probably waken up by his morning knocks and calls.

He pursued both his lips,a big frown is forming to his such young face.He continously knocks,putting his other hand which holds a bag of uniform at his waist.

His foot stomping at the concrete,he calls out almost shouting "Ayano! You dummy! Wake up,we're late for the opening ceremony!"

He heard a groan,which he was relieve that she was still alive and complete.

He heard steps from the wooden floor of the house,alas the door has open revealing a ravenette still on her pajamas.Her hair still messy and wasn't untied from being tied.

He didn't gave the poor girl a chance to speak,he scold her "Ugh! You always wake up late! You should learn how to be independent atleast! You're relaying on me like I'm some kind of a human alarm clock!"

He barges in the house,putting the bag at the counter temporarily "what are you waiting for?! Go and take a shower! Heres your uniform!" He said,pointing at the bag at the counter to the girl namely Ayano who seems to be shaken up already.

"Thanks Osano." He blushes,
averting his gaze away from Ayano "D-don't always thank me! Thank my mother too! You idiot!" She narrows her eyes,
walking back to her room to get her towel.

While taking a bath,Osano prepares him a toasted bread for atleast a little breakfast for his friend "You should also wake up early to take breakfast! You'll get thin and it'll be my fault!"

Even at the shower,she rolls her eyes towards him.But she stops as she can feel the glare from the boy "I know your rolling your eyes!"

After a bath,she knocks on the door getting the attention of Osano "I'm already done,can you hand the bag over?"

Osano blushes a little at the request,he gets the bag and walks near the bathroom.He hang the bag at the knob and knocks back "quick,get the bag I hang it on the knob"

He shuts his eyes tightly when the door clicked open even when he's back is facing the door.
Ayano mutter a 'thank you' before closing the door.

He sighs,kicking the door for no reason "hurry up!" Seriously,hes starting to get on Ayano's nerves.

She shows her uniform,to Osano which appears to be wear correctly except the ribbon that was a little off,that Osano had to fix it.

They went off to walk to school which wasn't far away from their house,the walk to the school was silent but in a comfortable way.
(maybe not for Osano)

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