This Isn't A Drill

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I sat in the middle of the classroom, not wanting to give my presentation at all. Who cares about science and how cells work? Not me. Not at all.

The person before me went up and started explaining how everything worked and stuff. Little miss smartie Avery. Always getting A's. Never failing anything. Little miss perfect.

I'm not saying I'm jealous. Oh no, half of the school already hates for her for her brain. I mean some people are that stupid.

Oh no. I hate her for another reason. I couldn't care less about her grades, I do care however about her parents. I care a lot. She'll come home and tell them every move I made, though she'll make sure I sound like the bad guy. Then her parents will call my parents and give a speech how I was raised wrong.

I'm always being told that I'm a mistake, not supposed to be here, alone, ugly, annoying. Them all. From my parents too at this point, but if little Avery had kept her mouth shut I wouldn't be being called all those things. I wouldn't have to deal with all that. That's why I hate Avery.

Hate her with every living cell inside me, see what I did there? Science? Class? We're learning about cells. Yeah no one thinks it's funny. No one ever does.

"I wish the school would just burn to the ground." I whispered to myself. Just then a fire bell went off. The teacher stood up, looking alarmed.

"Students this isn't a drill. Remain calm." The teacher said, though panic was in her voice. We all freaked out and ran for the door. How funny, I wished that the school would burn and there's a fire drill now. Funnier part is, that is isn't a drill. Maybe it wasn't by mistake. What if it really wasn't? I stopped running from the classroom. I was right in front of a large window.

"I wish that window would shatter to pieces." I whispered. Not even two seconds later the window shattered. I smiled to myself, thinking that school could be so much better now.

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