Confussion of shadows

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Lots going on but I made a promise to keep updating so lets begin this chapter :)
Hermione POV
All of the sudden the thing I ran into bursts out into laughter so I try to jump back from the person but he has a tight grip on my shoulder so I can't really put much space between us so I look up and say "can you please get your hand off me!" then I realize it's just George so then I start looking behind him but don't see anything so I guess Fred isn't around, then out of nowhere George says " sorry Hermione, I just hate it when Fred keeps information from me" then I say "I know! It's rubbish that someone really close to you would feel like they can't trust you with their secrets" then he said "yeah like as if you don't tell them anything" then George bursts out and says "I just wanted to know who it was!!!" I'm very confuse by that so I say "what are you talking about George???" So George stops in his tracks and realizes he said to much but knows he can't take it back so he says " Your to smart for your own good Hermione." Which makes me very confuse because everybody already knows this about me so why state it out loud so I say "maybe I'm not as smart as I seem" then I turn around and stomp away from him.
George POV
I have no clue what happen there, it's not like I bloody meant to run into her but before she can walk away from me I yell after her "who were you talking about?" She turns about around and says "Lissa of course" then she disappears up the stairs. I stand there for a few more seconds when I finally bloody remember I need to help Fred get ready for his date with Katie Bell because we are known for the best dates in our year and I know that git is going to mess up our reputation since he doesn't bloodily like her. So I head back to the common room to help my git brother.
Lissa POV
I feel really bad not just telling the truth to Hermione but when I was asked to do this mission I made a promise to many people to keep it safe, I was place into gryffindor house so I could make sure Harry Potter finally ends Voledmort and his followers for good. It gets more complicated because Draco is involved in this plan because he gets abuse by his dad physically and mentally and he knows the only way to stop it is to make sure nothing happens to Potter. So Draco is going to pretend he's into all this dark stuff and wants to be one of them so I still have a inside connection since I'm probably going to get disown by this part of the family and have no clue what's going on without Draco spying for me. Even though Aunt Bella would never let that happen since I remind her so much of my father. My father is the whole reason for this mission in the first place , he found out a huge secret about Voledmort that would destroy him if the world found out about so before my father went on his crazy mission to a cave he gave a letter to my mother address to his unborn child for when he/she turn 11 so they could finish what he started with the chosen one that would be the destroyer of him. So my father wasn't as bad as most people would think, really I even doubt my mother knew him that well in the end.
I take a look at the clock and realize I need to get to the pitch to meet with Nott. So I start running until I get outside and get to the pitch to find Nott sitting on one of the slytherin bleachers, he hops up as soon as he sees me and says "I thought you weren't coming" I look him in the eye and say " I would never stand you up on purpose Nott" he keeps eye contact and says " I just wanted you to know your my best friend but I won't break any of my father rules since he's all I have left as blooded family" I break contact and say "I don't except you to do so Nott but everyone knows your father is very fond of me so hopefully it won't come to that" then he says "come on Lissa let's get inside before we catch and cold or get caught out here" so we start walking into the castle, once we get into the main area Nott kisses my cheek and says "night Lissa" then he walks away from me to the slytherin common room and I start heading to mine.
Fred POV
Well Katie canceled on me because during dinner earlier Wood ask her to be his girlfriend. So George decided we would play exploding snap in the common room for the evening which was fun and hilarious because Lee got hit with one by accident, it even brought Hermione over to scold us over it about him getting severely hurt then she gave George this questioning look then he gets up and tells her we made up and got past our blow up but that he still knows nothing on the topic. He's smart and I know he'll figure it out soon but maybe it would be a hell a lot easier if I told him so he could bloodily help me get over her or give me advice how to go about this so we could be together in some type of a way.
Sorry it took so long, not a cliff hanger this time :) so hopefully next chapter over the weekend so vote and comment, I love hearing from you guys!!! <3

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