Fuzzy Minded (part 1)

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Hi I know its been over like 5 months, I know I keep just throwing a chapter out there and stop for long periods of time. I know it sucks to wait an to login every single time to find no update. I'm not going to make any promises but I'm going to try not to be that type of writer but anyways here's the chapter you guys have been waiting for :) 

POV Fred

I started the letter over 10 times until I found the one I thought was prefect to send to her about our plan to trick Percy.

Dear Hermoine,

Well I told you earlier Hermione all we need you to do is to confess Percy he is needed by a Professor and that he needs to come to the astronomy tower immediately. When he asks which Professor needs him say Professor Snape needs to see him about his prefect duties because he has been way to lax on rules with the Gryffindor house. Also tell him to have his badge on when he comes. Make to tell him tomorrow night after dinner, we would do it tonight but its Halloween so he would be excepting it.

Thanks for helping us


While walking to the owlery I just  cant shake this feeling in the pit in my stomach so I started thinking of ways to prank George and Lee to show them I'm the best prankster ever. When I got inside the owlery a cute little brown owl flys up to me looking eager to deliver a letter so I think "why not the letter isn't going that far." So then I tie the letter to its leg and say "Take this to Hermione Granger."  I then take the owl to the window and watch it fly away, when Harry Potter walks in to the owlery. He looks at me and says " I didn't except any to be in here, I was just visiting my owl Hedwig" so i say "oh, I was just leaving. see ya at practice tomorrow Harry" then Harry says " Yea see ya then Fred." Then I leave the owlery to go find George we need to decide what if we wanted to use the dung bombs or something else. When I finally found him it was time to for dinner so while heading for the great hall I ask him "Do you wanna use the dung bombs on Percy tomorrow?" then George says " yep the dung bombs are the best choice cause then he cant blame us for smelling bad Fred" We finally get into the Great Hall and I start looking around for that smile that brightens my whole day even though I'm not reason for that smile I love it. I know its wrong to have these feelings towards her but I cant ignore them cause its love it makes me want to turn around but I don't know anything about love and if agree with it then oh well cause there not the girl I'm in love with. so I say " yea George your right the dung bombs are the better choice" George looks at me like I'm crazy then say "Fred are you feeling alright?, we finish discussing that 15 minutes ago"  so I say "yea I'm fine" I wanted to say no I'm not fine the girl I'm in love with isn't here she could be in trouble or something also no ones that I am and if they did they would probably call me perverted or crazy cause of the age difference and stuff but I don't care I just wanna scream it to this room of people so someone would tell me where she is right now. Before I can do something crazy I see the little cute owl I sent to Hermione earlier as soon as I catch the letter Professor Quirrell comes running into the great hall yelling about a troll being in the dungeons, I grab my letter and head to the dormitory so I could open it and read it without people looking at me. When I look at the envelope better I see little tear stains on it so I rip it open and take out the letter. It says 

Dear Fred

Sorry about all the smudges and tear stains, I'm just not having a good afternoon today. Okay I'll tell Percy tomorrow. I guess I'll see you around. 



Did I just read that right?

Did she just say "love"? 

I'm just losing my mind. I bet she only sees me as the third year whom is very nice to her. She might even think of me as a friend of hers. But if I was really lucky she might even have a crush on me. I wonder why she was crying though? I hope no one was mean to her. I wonder where she is right now and if she ever thinks about me .

I just want to say thank you to everyone reading my story :D Also if you wouldn't mind to give me a little feed back its taken nicely and I welcome it and think of it very highly. I cant believe so many people are actually reading my story its the best feeling ever to know so many people are actually taking a interest in it so thanks so much! 

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