"As long as we stick together we will both be fine," she said sternly. His green eyes watched her for a moment before nodding. "Fine, grab your jacket. Let's go."

She grinned before turning around and heading over to where her jacket was hanging. She only made it a few steps before she heard the door close and the lock sink home. The lock on the door closed and Finley's eyes widened in surprise. She rushed over to the door bashing against it. "Kade!" she exclaimed, "Kade what are you doing? Open the door!!"

She could hear him on the other side moving around but he didn't answer her. She used all her strength and pushed against the door but it barely moved. "Kade!" she yelled, "Kade open the door!"

Once again he didn't bother answering. Suddenly a loud sound echoed through the house. "What was that?" She asked anxiously.

There was movement and then Kade's voice answered. "I think someone is trying to break in."

"Kade this isn't funny open the damn door!" She yelled making another effort to push against it.

"No Finley, you'll be safe in there," he said and she could still hear the person at the front door trying to get in. Panic began to seep its way inside of her. Kade thought he was protecting her but who was going to protect him.

"Kade what about you?" she said still trying to get the door open. Suddenly a loud explosion sounded and ripped through the house. Finley froze. The intruder was inside. "Kade!" she called.

"Be quiet Finley!" he hissed. She shut her mouth, pressing her ear up against the door and tried to hear what was happening. But all she could hear was footsteps coming up the stairs and Kade's nervous breathing. She desperately wanted to be on the other side of the door.

Her heart was pounding as she silently listened. For a moment there was no noise and then she heard Kade's sharp intake of breath. There was a loud thud against the other side of the door followed by a muffled cry of pain. "Kade!" Finley cried out as she listened to the commotion on the other side of the door.

Her mind was screaming at her to do something but she was stuck in her room. There was another cry of pain and then silence. Finley backed away from the door her mind racing. She had a bad feeling in the pit of her stomach. She glanced around anxiously before grabbing a knife off the dresser. She was afraid, not for herself but for Kade. The click of the lock indicated that the door was opening and she held her breath not knowing what to expect on the other side.

A huge man stood in front of her in the doorway, a least twice the side of her. He was dressed completely in black and she couldn't make out any distinct features apart from his blood red eyes. He stared at her before moving towards her in a flash. She didn't get a chance to react. He swung his fist and it connected with her cheek and pain spread through her. She gasped before stumbling slightly. She gripped the handle of the knife and swung towards him but he moved away before she could hit him. Vampire speed had always made it difficult for her to win but she had done it before.

He attacked again, grabbing hold of her and tossing her across the room. Her back slammed into the wall and she cried out as pain laced down her spine. She moved quickly, getting to her feet and preparing for the next blow. As he came towards her she made an effort to watch his movements for any tell that might allow her to win. But she only had seconds before he was on her again, throwing punches. She blocked as many as she could but a few slipped through connecting with her face, her chest and her arm. She swung the blade and just nicked his arm which only seemed to make him angrier. Another punch was thrown but she saw it coming and spun out of the way before landing another blow.

She made the horrible decision of looking towards the door and that was when she saw Kade's slumped figure. Her heart contracted and her concentration was lost. It was all the vampire needed to hit her once again and take her knife. She stumbled from the blow and before she had the chance to move the vampire was there. She saw the flash of metal but it was too late. The knife plunged into her stomach and she gasped, her eyes widening in surprise. She could feel the cool metal as it was pulled free and the pain began to set in. She fell to the ground clutching the wound. She'd never been injured this badly before and now she was worried. The vampire stood over her and she stared up at him in fear. He could kill her if he wanted to and she wouldn't be able to fight back. She could feel the blood seeping from her wound and she wondered how long she would have before she bled out.

Into the depths of shadowsWhere stories live. Discover now