Chapter 15 - The storm

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Evening had begun to settle over the beach, the last strands of sunlight glimmering on the water's surface. A soft breeze blew Finley's curls out of her face as she stared out at the water. She smiled to herself as she watched the ripples and waves move in a hypnotic pattern. She had truly missed the normality of doing something as simple as going to the beach. But Kade's surprise date had given her that feeling back. She glanced over to where he was picking up the remainder of their belongings. His hair was still slightly damp from when they had gone swimming and he had sand stuck to his skin where he'd been sitting. His chest was bare exposing his muscular body, the sun making it a nice golden colour. His green eyes were fixed on the basket as he picked it up before he rose up to face her.

They had spent the remainder of the day lying on the beach soaking up the sun, swimming and eating the food he had prepared. It had been such a relaxing day and it almost seemed like a dream. Finley had never considered what her life would be like after she knew the truth about her parents and her brother. For most of her life she had just hoped that one day she would know. Now that she knew the truth she wasn't sure what she was going to do with her life. It was like her purpose had been taken away. But she thought she could get used to it if it was just her and Kade spending endless hours together. He had become such a constant in her life and she couldn't picture it without him.

Kade trudged up the hill to the sand dune that she was standing on. He flashed her a charming smile when he reached her side. "Ready to go?" He asked curiously, placing the basket down at his feet.
Finley's eyes drifted back out to the water as the last remainders of the sun drifted behind the horizon. She had always loved watching the sun set and it was the perfect ending to such an amazing day. And yet she didn't want it to end.

"I wish we could just stay here forever," she said as another gust of wind blew across her face.
He took her hand in his and she met his eyes. There was a glint of something reflected in his beautiful green orbs but she couldn't quite pick up on what it was. "We have our whole lives to come back here again Finn. We can spend each and every day here if that's what you desire because we are finally free. No more Arlin Shade. No more searching for answers. We can finally start living."

A smile grew across her face as she looked at him. He was completely right. There was so much they could do now that they had found out the truth. They could finally live their lives the way they were supposed to. The idea filled Finley's heart with excitement. She wanted to do so much with her life. She wanted to share so many memories with him. She loved him in so many ways for everything he had done and everything that he had made her feel. He had come into her life at a time when she had needed someone to believe in her and here he was standing in front of her and promising her the world.

In that moment she wanted to reach out and kiss him. She wanted to show him just how much he meant to her and how deeply she loved him. As if knowing what she was thinking he pulled her against him and his lips crashed against hers. Her eyes flew shut and she sunk against him as her heart hammered against her chest and her stomach flew with butterflies. She would never get over the feeling of his hands against her skin or his lips against hers. She would cherish every memory that she shared with him for the rest of her life. She knew in her heart that she would never stop loving him.

They pulled apart breathlessly and a blush crossed her face. She could see the lust in his eyes as he looked at her and in that moment she wanted nothing more than to be connected to him in the most intimate way possible. As if sensing her thoughts he placed another kiss on her lips, this time more gentle. She felt like she could lose herself there in the sand at the beach but she knew that this wasn't how she wanted it to happen. Regretfully she pulled back placing a hand on his chest. "Not here," she breathed.

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