| 27 | Red & Viscous

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may's pov

"Did you seriously run away when she asked you out?" I laughed at him. Ethan cocked his jaw to the side, fighting a smile.

"You don't have to repeat my words, y'know?" He shook his head and covered his face in embarrassment.

 I laughed harder.

"Dude stop" Ethan chuckled.

"I'm sorry, I just" I giggled. "I can't help it. I can picture you running away from a girl. It's hilarious" I shoved a chip in my mouth.

"Well what about you?!"

I giggled. "What about me?"

"I'm sure you had some pretty embarrassing experiences too"

"Hm" I thought about it for a moment. "Not really" A smile crept on my lips.

"Aw, c'mon" He chuckled. "It ain't fair, I told you one of mine."

"Fine, I will, since you look so desperate" I teased him as I shoved another chip in my mouth, chuckling.


I giggled.

"Um, it happened back when I was 14, when I was skateboarding and fell straight on my face. I broke my arm that day too"

He laughed and shoved the last chip in his mouth.

We talked and talked for more hours. I laughed hard, leading to my coughs to rise up my throat.

He laughed and rubbed my shoulder. "You okay?"

I tried talking, but more stronger coughs came up. I covered my mouth with the covers of my bed, and coughed.

A few little red, viscous drops had stained my covers. I could feel the change in my environment, and see the change in Ethan's face. His eyes were filled with terror.

The room became colder, once I had realized I was not just simply ill.

And that this that I had, was not just a simple illness.

Selcouth • Grayson DolanTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon