Bonus episode 2: now you know

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A/N: there will not be a summary for this episode and no one was requesting anything so I came up with this one! Enjoy......

It all started when he woke up that morning and because of the events of the last episode he was still sick. He wasn't as bad as before but was still unable to keep anything down so Doc told him to stay in bed until he came back from the mines and Sleepy would take care of him. Sleepy had been eager to do so because Dopey had made a promise to Sleepy. He would tell him why he was mute. No one besides Dopey knew about this as it happened before Sneezy and Dopey joined the 7d. So then Sleepy sat up in his bed and Dopey did the same. Then the story began......

It was a long time ago. Seventeen years ago to be exact. When Dopey told Sleepy this Sleepy was confused but Dopey told him he had to repeat fourteen years of his life when his mother turned him to the age of two when he first met Doc. Dopey then got back to the story. He had been sixteen at the time and was often looked after by his nine older siblings despite his best attempts to say he didn't need looking after but he was often proven wrong when he was prone to a lot of sicknesses. So he'd managed to sneak out into his favourite place to go: the magical woods. After staying there for an hour or so he went to walk out but a man stopped him "excuse me sir I need to get past" "no. Can. Do. I know who you are. Your family destroyed my life and at least one of you should pay for that. Looks like your the victim! Hahahahaha!" With that he cast a spell which removed Dara's voice. Dopey had to explain that, as a human, his name couldn't be Dopey. His human name is Darren and Dara is a simple nickname. Then he got back to the story. Dara grabbed his throat. It burned from the magic that was much more powerful than his own. He quickly ran past the man in the direction of his home, his vision beginning to fade with the pain coming from his throat. When he got back his mother placed a spell on Dara (she was a witch) which allowed him to speak part whistle part talking. Dopey then explained that the spell was permanent and he could talk but at unpredictable times and he had no control over it as he was not powerful enough yet. Back to the story. He explained in part whistles and part actual talking about what happened and what the man had said and by the time he was finished he was crying, clutching his throat while his older brother Freddy wrapped his arms around him. Those two had always been extremely close and could barely ever be separated. Dara openly sobbed while his throat burned. All Freddy could do was comfort him and wish the pain away. "Shush now Dara my precious boy. Your alright. Hush now" Freddy cooed into the pained boy's ear. "I-it h-hurts s-so b-bad F-Freddy. M-make i-it s-stop! P-please!" The poor boy was in so much pain. "Mom! Hurry up with that spell! Dara's getting worse!" Freddy called out to his mother. His brother was indeed getting worse. He was in that much pain that he was now hunched over the toilet vomiting. His mother came rushing into the bathroom with a spell and her midnight blue wand in hand, "power in me hear my call, take away the pain! Remove it all!" She yelled and magic swirled from her wand, wrapping around Dara's throat. Finally the pain was gone but Dara was still stuck with the spell the man had put on him. " thank (whistling) you (talking) mother" "your welcome son now go rest in your room. Try not to talk too much as the spell is still working its magic on you. Your throat may hurt a little bit if it's used too much" "yes (whistling) mother" with that Dara and Freddy went out of the bathroom, climbed up the ladder which led to Dara's door and then went inside. Once there Dara curled up under the covers as his brother sat on a chair at his bedside. "Thank (whistling) you (talking) so much (whistling) Freddy" "your welcome bro. Anytime". That was the end of the story. "Winkers! That is a long and sad backstory " "(whistling) I know. I wish I had better control over my speaking thing though. It would be nice if all of you knew what I was saying for once" "yeah it would be" "(whistling) well now you know how I lost my ability to speak"

That was what happened Dopey the day he lost his voice.....and never found it again.

The end.

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