First episode part 3: hiding in the shadows

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A/N: I love puns just to let you know hence the picture. No I did not draw it. Okay back to what I was going to say. Here is the third part of the first episode! Please enjoy and read the others ideas as a few have been published! Vote, comment, enjoy! Bye!

No one's POV

The three dwarfs had survived their day so far and had managed to convince Doc that they were completely healthy. So far so good but they did not know about the one in the shadows....

She had been watching from afar. Watching them struggle at breakfast in the blind spot of Doc's eye. They could not hide from her. She watched their every move. She watched them stifle their coughs and sneezes. And they had no idea she was there. Later that day she noticed they were getting worse and she thought now is the time to strike! She snuck along the wall until she was behind Doc. She stretched out her arm until her hand grasped Doc's shoulder..."Ella! Don't scare me like that!" Doc yelled, spinning around to see the girl. Ella giggled. "Gotcha Doc! Again! But I need to speak to you...I've been watching..." She lead Doc to the stairs, pressing a button on the wall which opened the stairs to reveal a secret room which they walked into. When the stairs closed up behind them Doc asked,"so who have you been watching this time? No one asked you to did they? Or you know asked Sneezy or Dopey to ask you seeing as only you and them know about in here" "this IS about them two but no, no one has asked me to watch them. I chose to after seeing them and Bashful acting strangely this morning. I believe the three of them are sick and are being stubborn about it, as most people are. Especially mister Darren Skies.....I mean Dopey" "he is very stubborn but are you sure that they are sick?" Before Ella could answer Doc's question there was a loud thud heard then someone yelled,"FOR THE LOVE OF CHEESE GO GET DOC!!!!" Then the two of them ran out into the living room once the stairs opened up again and they gasped at the site...there, collapsed on the floor was Bashful, Sneezy and Dopey......

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