Fourth episode: when it's just us three

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A/N: I said I was accepting requests for this episode but because I was inspired by a oneshot from Dwarfs4Ever I decided I will accept requests for BONUS EPISODES!!!! Yes I am NOT stopping at just four episodes! No way! I want to get as many as I can and I want most of them to be requested by my fellow wattpadians!! So request anything you like that you would love to see one (or more) of the 7d doing! Comment, vote and enjoy! Bye!

Doc had a terrible feeling about this but there was nothing he could do. He had to let them stay on their own. He had to let Bashful, Sneezy and Dopey stay ALL ON THEIR OWN. If Bashful wasn't here it would be chaos. Think about it. Sneezy is 17 and Dopey is 15. Two teens in the one room. And let us not forget they are BROTHERS!!! They spend everyday of their lives with each other! It would be a major mistake leaving them two on their own but they couldn't come. If they got hurt Ella (their only sister) would kill Doc and then she would invite her seven other brothers to come and do the same. Thankfully Bashful the peacemaker is here to keep them at bay. "Bye boys! We'll be back tonight!" Then again Doc thought they can't be much trouble when Sneezy's sick and Dopey's injured. Recently Dopey had been found in the woods on the ground by bunny Hicklepips who took him straight to Sleepy who took him to Doc. No one besides Dopey knew what had happened but he'd received a broken leg because of it. Now he was laid up on the couch talking to his family on his tablet with Sneezy every few days and he used crutches to get around the cottage every other time which had revealed his hands to the other 6d who'd been shocked apart from Sneezy as he'd seen his younger brother's super weak hands before. He still needed help when using the crutches because of his weak hands.

It had been about an hour since the other dwarfs had left and not much had happened with the three of them. They were currently watching Disney movies on the TV in Sneezy's secret room. They had all picked one movie to watch. Bashful picked Finding Nemo, Sneezy had picked Frozen and Dopey had picked The Jungle Book. Sneezy's movie had been the first pick. At that moment 'let it go' started playing and Sneezy and Bashful sang along. Dopey had tried but ended up going into a coughing fit. The other two had no idea why Dopey out of the three of them had one of those when Sneezy was the sick one, and he was singing just fine. "Let it go! Let it go! Can't hold it back anymore!" Sneezy sang out. Dopey just watched, coughing every few minutes to Bashful's surprise. After the song finished Bashful got up. "Do you want me to get you a drink Dopey? Does your throat hurt?" "(whistling) yes please *cough* Bash. I think *cough* somethings wrong with *cough* it. Need to get *cough* Doc to look at *cough* it. So *cough* sore" Dopey gently clutched his throat. The three of them had no idea what was up with him. Bashful got him a drink and then the three of them went back to watching the movie, with Dopey coughing every so often.

Another twenty minutes later Frozen was over and Dopey pointed at Finding Nemo, trying to say they should watch that next. "(whistling) that *cough* one" "alright! Let's watch my movie! Finding Nemo!" Bashful pressed a button on the remote and the movie began to play.

After that movie was over Bashful and Sneezy looked over to Dopey who, to their surprise, was fast asleep, occasionally coughing in his sleep. "I wonder what's up with him" "I'm his brother and I don't even know. Maybe you should wake him Bash. Tell him we're watching his movie now" "alright. *goes over to Dopey* Dopey wake up! We're going to watch The Jungle Book now!" "(whistling) what?! I'm *cough* awake!"

About two hours later the older dwarfs returned to see Bashful in the kitchen getting what looked to be a glass of water with ice and Sneezy and Dopey in the sitting room, Sneezy trying to play a game on Dopey's tablet while Dopey sat with his injured leg propped up, his crutches beside him and was looking over Sneezy's shoulder, explaining how to play the game. "(whistling) go left now go *cough* right! Quick *cough* Sneezy! Your *cough* gonna-*Sneezy crashes* crash *cough*" "Dopey are you okay? You keep coughing" "he's been like that since about an hour after you left" "(whistling) could you *cough* have a look at my *cough* throat? It's *cough* really sore" "is that it? Just coughing and a sore throat?" "(whistling) no. I keep getting *cough* dizzy and *cough* I'm tired a lot *cough* too" "let me check you out although I might have an idea what you have" after a few minutes Doc spoke again. "Yep you have what I thought you have; influenza. You need to stay in bed, no stubbornness!!, drink plenty of liquid and try and keep something down during the week or so you'll be sick for! I've known a lot of people who've had this illness and gone for days without eating because they can't hold it down and they ended up being extremely weak".

It turns out Doc had been right. You can't leave them three on their own. It ends up in something bad. In this case: Dopey catching influenza while he has a broken leg. Get well soon Dopester! Hehe!

Well that's it. My four episodes done..........SIKE!! Haha! No way would I forget about the BONUS EPISODES!! And don't you forget either! I want to see YOUR suggestions for the bonus episodes in those comments!! If you don't got any that's ok! But anyone who does please LET ME KNOW by writing below!!! Bye!


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