Once she was fairly close, the mysterious goat feet stopped. A head peaked from behind the bushes.
She then saw a manly upperbody on the lower 'goat' body. Something she had definitely not expected.

So as creature saw her, and she saw him, they both screamed.

He then jumped up and ran behind a tree, but let all his belongings fall down in the snow.

After a few minutes Lucy recovered from being so shocked anymore, and took the courage to walk and help the creature she had never seen before.

She picked the things up that were on the ground, and the creature slowly stepped forward, still hesitating.
She handed him his things.

That was the moment were the two of them first smiled at each other

"Hi, I'm Lucy." She smiled giving him a hand.

But he didn't think of giving her a hand, and wore a confused look on his face.

"This is what people do when they meet each other, they shake hands."
She explained nicely.

His face lit up and he nodded understandly.

"Oh sorry! Hi there, I'm Mr. Tumnus."

She nodded and smiled.

"May I ask you a question?" She wanted to ask what he was, it was exactly what she was planning on doing. Never had she seen a person with a body of a man and legs of a goat.

"You can."

"What are you?" She asked.

"I had the same question for you, I'm a faun."

"I'm... I'm a human." She was still wearing a smile on her face.

"A human?" He asked in disbelief. He couldn't believe his ears!

"Yes." She answered.

"Would you like to come with me, to my house?" He asks her. Lucy had always been taught never to go home with a stranger.

"Hmm... I don't think I have got enough time, just for a little while you mean?"
However, the faun seemed extremely nice and so she thought it might be okay.

"Yes, but it's only just around the corner, and there will be a glorious fire with toast and tea and cakes." He smiled.

"And perhaps... We'll even break into sardines" He adds.

"I don't know." Lucy thought.

"Come on, it's not everyday I get to know a new friend."

After thinking for a while, the little young girl gave in.
"I suppose I could come for a little while... If you have sardines" She grinned.

Together they walked to a small house, Mr. Tumnus' house.

"This is my place!" The faun smiled proudly, and went inside. As Lucy stepped in, she immediately felt the warmth of the fireplace brushing against her skin.

"It is beautiful, warm and cozy, much better than out there." She said and he nodded.

"Please, sit here." He motioned her to sit at the place he now moved a chair to. She sat on the place where Julia had always sat.

Lucy scanned the room and noticed a little flute just as Mr. Tumnus gave her a warm cup of tea. He noticed her staring at the flute. After slowly grabbing him, he asked,

"Could I play something for you?"

"Of course!" She took a sip of her tea and after placing it down, put her small hands on her knees.

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