( vii. ) of appointments & pasts.

Start from the beginning

Her tiredness and crankiness could be blamed on Vik. The young man had managed to keep her up the majority of the night, though it wasn't the usual thoughts about him clouding her mind; instead, the two had been talking, technically messaging, for most of the night. Elliot had found she liked talking to Vik just as much as she enjoyed kissing him, but she would never really admit that. Not out loud, at least.

He was funny, and sweet, and even if they weren't even talking directly to each other, he still somehow managed to make her blush and smile and giggle like a child with a silly crush. Elliot felt completely foolish, falling for every little compliment he made sure to add every few minutes, but she couldn't help herself. Besides, she was sure that her feelings were only that a silly crush. At least that's what she hoped.

"This is Dr. Tan's room," the male nurse broke her from her thoughts, and Elliot tried to hide her blush at the knowing look on the man's face. "She's filling in for your usual doctor this year, if you didn't know. Dr. Jameson's wife is having a baby." He informed her, and Elliot nodded her head, already aware of her usual doctors leave of the year.

With that, the male nurse sent her a tight lipped smile, and knocked on the wooden door, pushing it open when a feminine voice called back. "Come in!" Elliot was allowed in first, and she laid her eyes on the doctor, who was sat at a desk typing so quickly on the computer in front of her that Elliot wondered how she could keep up with it. When the doctor looked up, she sent the young girl a smile. "Hello. You must be Elliot Grim, I'm Dr. Tan. Thank you Mr. Knowles." She nodded to the nurse, who nodded back and left, leaving the two women in the room. Dr. Tan gestured to the seat beside her. "Please, take a seat."

Elliot did, settling into the cushioned seat as she placed her bag near her feet, smiling politely at the doctor. "So, this is a check-up appointment, yes?" Dr. Tan assumed, eyes that were behind circular glasses scanning over the screen in front of her. Elliot nodded in confirmation, fingers knotting together as the nerves suddenly hit her in a force.

She suddenly wished she had just cancelled and attended work instead.

"Alright," the doctor seemed to pick up on her nerves, and sent the girl a reassuring smile. "Don't worry love, I'm not going to talk to you about anything that will make you feel uncomfortable. And if I do, you just let me know and I'll stop immediately, okay?"

Elliot suddenly really liked this new doctor, and with a small smile, she nodded once more, allowing the doctor to read through her notes, the words that reflected onto her glasses hitting Elliot like a stone onto a bird. A helpless, small, baby bird that just needed protecting. Okay, yes, she was just trying to distract herself at this point.

"So, it says here your last appointment was last in 2016, is that correct?" Elliot nodded, remembering her last appointment with Dr. Jameson. "How did that go?"

Elliot cleared her throat, remembering back to the slim doctor who always managed to call her Ella. She cringed, shrugging her shoulder simply. "Uh, alright, I guess."

Dr. Tan narrowed her eyes, but didn't comment, which Elliot was thankful for. If she had spoken about her old doctor, the whole appointment would have been filled with her ranting about the man the whole time. Laura and Jack would know this, especially.

"And could you tell me what you and Dr. Jameson talked about in that appointment?"

Elliot paused. Her hands, of which had began to sweat since she had arrived in the building, clenched. For a moment, Elliot wished she could tell this new doctor to fuck off and run out of the large building and never return, but she was realistic and that wasn't very realistic at all.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 18, 2017 ⏰

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