Chapter 14 - Chuunin Exams End

Beginne am Anfang

A few words were shared between the announcer and another man, my grip tight on Gaara's hand.

"We have come to a few difficulties. As Uchiha Sasuke is not yet here, the match is postphoned until last. SO THE NEXT MATCH IS... Kankuro of the Sand and Shino!"

I watched this one. Eventually, the match was given to Shino as Kankuro forfeited so that he could 'keep his techniques a secret'. Clever, really, but he could end up the only one of us who doesn't become a Chuunin.

Then it was Temari's turn. She was up against Shikamaru, who was insanely smart, however he forfeited at last minute for whatever reason.

Finally, it was time for my match. Against Ino Yamanaka, I was prepared as ever.

"Gaara, I'll be okay," I reassured him, squeezing his hand gently.

I made my way down to the arena, spotting Ino walking down from the opposite side. I took my time to get to the spot where I'd start my battle; I stood with confidence.

"You're weird," she mumbled.

"And you're full of yourself."

Her light features formed a frown, along with a small growl from her lips.

"Wanna bet?"

I smirked as Genma - I had discovered that that was the proctor's name - introduced us both and finally gave the signal that we could fight.

Ino launched herself at me, but her mind was open so I quickly dodged. She shot into a wall and rolled onto her back with a groan.

I threw about seven kunais at her, using my chakra to pull them back afterwards. Two hit her - one in the leg, one slipping past her cheek.

Suddenly she started making hand gestures, and her mind was blank. I couldn't see anything. I was terrified. It had never happened before, so I figured she was doing something with her mind. I quickly blocked any passage to my mind and soul, protecting myself. I had learned how to do this not so long ago.

"I can't get in!" She yelled.

I heard Shikamaru gasp, along with a chubby boy eating chips and massive red swirls on his cheeks. I'm guessing they knew what she was doing.

As Ino was frozen in place, attempting to get into my head, I decided this was my chance.

I turned around. Quickly, I did the hand signs to make some clones and I thrust my hand into my pouch to get a smoke bomb. The whole arena was filled with the thick substance clouding the air.

"I can't see!"

"What the hell did she do?"

"Are they okay?!"

All I could hear were protests, complaints and noises of worry from the arena. I did an invisibility justu and got all my clones to either copy or hide in the trees, and behind Ino.

By the time all my clones were in hiding, the clouds of smoke were starting to clear. All eyes were on Ino, who frantically looked around, not seeing me.

Then she spied one of my clones. Getting out a kunai, she shoved it in my clone's direction. It dodged with the same speed I had. After a while of repeating actions like that, Ino started her hand signs again. I chuckled quietly, not loud enough for anyone to hear. My clone was a shadow, with no thoughts or mind.

"There's nothing there!" Ino yelled at the top of her voice, "So you're... A clone!"

This time I let her destroy my clone, satisfied with my first performance. She ran around the arena with great speed, stopping to kick the trees and see if I was there.

She eventually found one of my clones just poking out of the tree, grabbing its leg and yanking it down. Colliding with the floor, it spun its leg and tripped Ino to the ground. Holding her chest down firmly, I ran to her. Popping out of my invisible state, Ino gasped.

"I should've known..."

I held a kunai to her neck, and the ending signal blared.


I heard cheers from my friends, and claps from everybody else. It was nice not to be secluded for once.

I evaporated my clones with haste and ran back to Gaara. I grinned and threw myself into his arms - cliché, but then I understood why girls did that.

He wrapped his arms around me and hugged me tight.

"Well done, Akki. You did good."

I felt Temari and Kankuro pat my back at once, "Well done."

"You did better than me, kiddo," Kankuro said, smirking.

"You did great, Akki!" Temari cheered.

I felt at home. Like these were the people I was supposed to be with.



We all whisked around to see Sasuke, and the silver-haired man I recognised to be Kakashi, standing in the centre of the arena impatiently. Gaara ran down to the arena after giving me a last soft squeeze.

This match was interesting. Sasuke displayed that he had increased his speed immensely while he was gone. Gaara couldn't keep up so he shielded himself in a huge ball of sand. Sasuke attempted to throw kunais and punch the sand, but it wouldn't budge. Suddenly he started to make hand signs, and Gaara was unaware inside his sand bubble.

A ball of blue electricity hit Gaara's sand, and it started to crack.

I remember now. It all happened so sudden, and it was terrifying. Everyone heard a massive bang, and turned to the Kages' viewing box. All we could see was smoke, much like I had set off for my match.

Gaara rushed up towards us, Sasuke retreating to his sensei and teammates as well. Kankuro, Temari, Gaara and I all watched in fear as people around started to collapse and fall asleep - us included.

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