13. Fight Of Love And Truth.

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"It seems most Orihara Izaya-san's belonging were claimed some months ago." The officer said looking at the computer in front of him.

"Oh? Really? Izaya said he wasn't really close with his family so I thought no one would have come to claim it." Mikado made a show of being confused and stared at the officer with wide blue eyes. "I just got out of hospital so I wasn't sure." He said batting his eyelashes at the man who shook his head.

"It says that it wasn't his family but rather his lawyer." The officer said "But he only collected the things he needed for legal reasons." The officer smiled, "Would you like to claim what's left?" He asked happily and Mikado nodded eagerly.

"He was a really good friend of mine, so I would be really grateful." Mikado said and the officer nodded before disappearing to collect the objects.

A lawyer huh? Of course Izaya would have one, I'm surprised he trusted anyone enough. I'm pretty sure he mentioned something about doing a new will regularly once, maybe his family has everything? Mikado kept his innocent appearance as he thought.

Don't his sisters go to Raira? Mikado bit his lip, I wonder if they would talk to me? From what I heard they couldn't give two shits that Izaya was dead. Was there anyone close enough for Izaya to know?

"Here you go, it's not too much as a lot was seized for evidence but there's bits and pieces." The officer handed Mikado a box and he looked at it curiously. He opened it a little and was instantly met with the sight of Izaya's trademark fur jacket.

Mikado's heart clenched and his throat closed up as his eyes stared to burn with tears. He stared at for a moment before the officer's voice caught his attention.

"Ryugamine-san? Are you okay?" The officer said concern in his brown eyes and Mikado nodded despite the tears in his eyes.

"Um, yeah. Thank you" The smile he forced on his face was pointless as his voice broke. He signed for the stuff and left the police station with his head down.

He moved quickly, too quickly, his lungs burned and his body screamed in pain but he didn't stop. He couldn't. He rushed past people as he made his way back to his apartment. When he arrived he was out of breath and on the verge of passing out.

He coughed as he struggled to breathe, while his lungs had healed they were incredibly weak like the rest of his malnourished body. He got inside and collapsed onto the tatami mats, he lay there for a while wheezing before passing out.

Mikado sat up, he looked around confused taking in the surroundings. It was like a field of some sort, long green grass swayed in the warm breeze. The sun shone brightly in the blue sky but Mikado was shielded by a rather large oak tree.

Next to him sat Izaya who was wearing suit, maybe it was the one he was buried in. Mikado didn't know. He had a gentle smile on his face as he looked over the field.

Mikado's eyes widened as he saw the familiar figure glance over to him, his eyes they were completely black with the exception was his irises which were bright red. Izaya smiled at Mikado revealing pointed canines.

Izaya opened his mouth to speak but as he did the dream blurred and his voice never reached Mikado's ears as he woke up with tears in his eyes. A blurred figure as leaning over him and Mikado could faintly make out black hair.

He reached out, "Izaya...?" Brushing his fingers against the pale skin he realized that it wasn't the skin of Izaya. He blinked the tears from his eyes to see Anri leaning over him with a sorrowful expression.

He let his hand fall as his throat closed up and he started sobbing. Anri pushed hair from his eyes trying to comfort him. He laid in his futon that Izaya had brought him and sobbed until he was exhausted.

When he had calmed down Mikado realized he was in his futon, "Did you move me?" He asked quietly, his voice hoarse from crying and Anri nodded.

"You were passed out in the entrance." Anri said, "The door was unlocked so I came in." She said with a small sigh. Mikado sat up suddenly making the timid girl flinch. He looked at her with frantic eyes,

"What about the box? What about the box I was carrying!?" He exclaimed and Anri pointed to the box next to the entrance. Mikado sighed in relief, "Thank god." He said.

"If you don't mind me asking...what's in it?" Anri asked quietly and Mikado silently stood up and walked over to the box, picking it up as it was made of glass.

He brought it over to the futon and sat on the fluffy bedding opposite Anri with the box between them. Anri caught the scent of blood and was instantly worried but she kept silent as Mikado stared at the box intently.

He took a deep breath before opening the box full revealing Izaya's trademark jacket rest on the top. Anri let out a quiet gasp as she laid eyes on the bloodstained fabric.

With trembling hands Mikado picked up the jacket, he tried his best to ignore the fact it was stiff with dried blood and that Izaya's smell wafted off it and brought up memories Mikado didn't want to think of right now.

He gently set the jacket aside and looked deeper into the box. There was a bunch of small plastic zip lock bags with various things in them. Anri watched silently as Mikado brought them out one by one.

Mikado realized there was definitely less stuff than Izaya actually carried. All his knives, wallet, phones and keys were missing either taken for evidence or by his lawyer.

The box held random things like a pair of small binoculars, a pen, some loose change, a few business cards, his shoes and other various things that had no meaning to teen. Then his eyes narrowed in on the last plastic bag and picked it up slowly.

Izaya's sliver rings.

Mikado looked at them holding the bag in the palm of his hand. He wasn't sure if he should take them out of the bag.

Memories of Izaya flowed in his mind. The coldness of the rings against his skin, them shinning under the sun as they talked and held one another close, the feeling of them as they held hands.

Unable to take it, Mikado ripped open the zip lock bag and shook the two rings into his hands as he did he noticed something. Looking closer he could see each ring was engraved on the inside.

One read "Love" in English while the other read "Truth" also in English. Mikado read the words and closed his eyes and held the rings to his chest as tears started to slip down his cheeks.

Anri watched him sadly and put her arm around his shoulder and he leaned on her shoulder, crying silently.

Izaya. I promise. I will fight for love, I will fight for the truth. I'll fight for you.

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Twisted Love. (DRRR!! FF)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang