The Orphanage

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“He’s five.”

“And when did the father die?”

“One year ago.”

“I see…”

Sofia studied the carefully kept woman in front of her. The way she nonchalantly crossed her legs and adjusted her glasses as she addressed both her and Alexai.

Sofia placed her arm on Alexai’s and gripped him tightly. This couldn’t happen. He had to stay with her.

The woman, Ms Hardinge placed her clipboard down and took a sip of her tea. Two sugars and not a drop more.

Sofia looked with disdain at this tiny woman. It had been many years since she felt she had to have the physical presence over others. It what was intimidated the thugs, petty thieves and hoodlums. She needed it now more than ever, but it still felt pointless.

This woman was really in control here. From the offhand way she strutted about to the definitive orders she gave.

“I understand Mr Freeman overdosed. Did he use drugs often?”

Sofia fixed the woman with a look of absolute revulsion. How could she even suggest such a thing?!

“Of course not!”

“Do you know why he did it then? We are aware, of course, of your current financial status. Perhaps he could no longer take the stress?”



That was all she needed. The way she responded… It tore Sofia apart on the inside. She wanted to punch this woman, but she had to prove that she could take care of Alexai. She was a good mother.

Ms Hardinge seemed to read her face and she adjusted her dusty blonde locks.

“You have nothing to fear. So long as you are able to provide the payments and sign these forms, the boy can continue living with you.”

“And if… if…”

If we do take him, he will be put in Orphelinat Orphanage. It’s a relatively new establishment just on the outskirts of London, so I assure you he will be in good hands.”

“No, what I mean is, if he is put there, is there a way for me to get him back?”

Ms Hardinge kept her pin-shaped eyes fixed sternly on Sofia, obviously noticing the ruffled hair and stained clothes.

“I expect you to bring these forms to my office by ten am sharp this Friday. As for the money, if that isn’t resolved by the end of this month, it won’t matter if these forms are signed or not.”

Handing Sofia the white forms of pain, Ms Hardinge was off, her cheap perfume dragging after her and leaving a stale taste in Sofia’s mouth.

“Mummy?” Alexai murmured, speaking for the first time in the past hour.

“Yes, sweetie?”

“I don’t want to go away…” Tears formed in the little boy’s eyes and Sofia ran over to comfort him. “I want to be with you forever!”

“Don’t worry, Alexai. Mummy will have everything sorted. We’ll be together forever. I promise!”

As they embraced each other, Sofia could remember the weakness in her voice. She had to be strong and not cry. The tears did fall, but she couldn’t let Alexai see them. He had to be happy. His mother would be with him forever.


“Mummy will be here at this gate when school’s over.”

“This gate?”

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