Chapter 1

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Lauren's POV
I carefully tear colourful paper off of what seems to be an item of clothing.
"Ally, you didn't need to do this," I say
"Yeah, but it's a gift, eh dawg?" Dinah says, "I'm not complaining."
"Thanks, Ally!" Normani says, having fully opened her present - all Beyonce albums on vinyl, and hugging the smallest member of our group.
"Yas, smallz," Dinah says as she takes a hat out from the box, "I needed more snapbacks."
"Oh my go- I mean, oh my Allysus! Thank you so much!" I say, unfolding a t-shirt, and screaming when I see four tickets fluttering to the ground. "Tickets to Concept?!"
"Here we go again." Dinah mutters.
"I feel bad now, Ally. I shoud've got you something!" I say
"I've found gift enough in the celebration of Jesus' coming alive." Ally says, "And also, I have had chocolate."
"So you're a happy pocket nun then," Dinah says, earning a punch from Ally.

(Y/N)'s POV
"Do they know yet?" I ask Kara
"No, Simon's sending someone to bring them here as they speak; they know nada." she tells me
"Shall I put some clothes on then?" I say, part questioning, part joking.
"Uh, let me think. How about yes?"
"No one wants to see you in your underwear, (Y/N)." Selena yells from the kitchen. 

"Eff off, Sel." I holler back, standing up. "As a matter of fact, I will get dressed." I head up to my room and rummage through the huge walk-in wardrobe. I choose a simple outfit, and take it in to my ensuite bathroom so that I can have a shower.

Half an hour later, I'm clean and dressed in a black t-shirt, a black hoodie, ripped black skinny jeans, and hi-top black vans, complete with a black beanie (picture above). As you can probably tell, I quite like the colour black.

"HOLA, AMIGOS!" I scream as I enter the kitchen, where Kara, Selena and Meghan are eating breakfast.
"Jeez, (Y/N). You trying to burst our eardrums?!" Meghan asks

"Meg, I'm a drummer. What do you think?" I say "Where's my food?"

"In the cupboard," Kara says "and the fridge. And where ever else the ingredients for whatever you want are. We aren't your slaves, y'know."
"Fuck you," I groan "I guess I'll just have fruit,"

"What? Who are you, and what've you done with (Y/N)?!" Selena asks

"Nah, just kidding. Bacon, here I come!"

An hour and three packets of bacon later, I'm lying on the sofa, trying not to die.

"Guys, they're gonna be here any minute." Meghan says from upstairs. 
"Urgh." I respond, "One of yous can get the door." 
"You're the only one downstairs," Selena reasons

"Lazy arse," Kara says, and I groan loudly. "It's not our fault that you goddamn ate three huge packets of bacon."

"You let me," I reason, before the doorbell goes. I groan and roll off of the sofa onto the floor, before 'bum-shuffling' towards the front door.

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