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Once we were seated in my car, I wasted no time to turn on the ignition. I planted my hands at the stirring wheel and adverted my head to Trick. He sat still while I hurriedly drove off from my house.

"Pete" he asked nervously. "What the hell was that?!" He continued, the tone of his voice rising. "I-I"

i don't fucking know.

I had no clue what to say, I didn't want to explain my dad's bullshit to Patrick.
i shrugged, unsure and shook my head.
"My.. my dad doesn't know i was having you over, he'll get pissed if he finds out i had someone over without asking. that's all." I said, finishing my sentence almost as soon as i started it.

Patrick nodded, not bothering to question what i had said. I don't blame him.

We continued down the road, eventually making our way of of the suburbs and rows of straightly lined houses, into forrest. well, just country. At last, the wooden sign that read 'evanston' on it in big bold letters, zoomed past us as we watched from inside the car.
once we arrived at Patrick's house, i was even more nervous than before, my hands shook as i took them of the steering wheel to give him a hug.

Patrick smiled and exited the car door, "thanks for the ride home." I shrugged and gave a small smile back.
I watched in disappointment as he walked up the asphalt driveway that led to an average sized white and brown house. He looked back one final time, before proceeding to enter his house, shutting the door behind him.

I sunk down into my seat and sighed. I
didn't want to go back to my shit show I called my house. Remorse filled me, and i eventually started the car and made my way back home to Wilmette.

it's short but i'm sorry, my cousin passed away, i finally brought my grades back up and school's ending soon. it's all i can put out for now. expect a new chapter this week or tomorrow. thanks for sticking around 💚

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