"I think we should go down there. . ." I suggested.

Kakashi didn't answer, instead he leaped down from his perch and smoothly entered the fight.

I rolled my eyes. Men and their need for an ego boost.

I jumped down behind him and landed a kick on the Ninja aiming for Sakura.

"Sakura, you're doing good but you'd do better against an opponent if your eyes were open," I said, moving on quickly.

"(Y/N) sensei! Kakashi sensei!" She said in shock.

Soon enough the enemy was gone and Kakashi and I turned to his client with unamused glares.

"What was that!? Where did you two disappear to!? I could have been-"

"Actually, we stood back to decipher whether this was a ninja against ninja attack, or a personal attack on you."

Kakashi seemed to have the situation handled on his own, so I stepped away to check on the kids.

"You did good." I praised Sasuke, ruffling his hair.

"Whatever," he said, swatting me away.

I apologized to Sakura for making her think I was dead, then looked over at Naruto. His back was turned to the rest of us and he was kneeling over on the ground.

"Hey, Naruto, you okay?" I went to rub his back but he moved away from my hand.

"I couldn't move. My team and the mission were in danger and I couldn't move."

I frowned and went to comfort him again but he stood up like a bolt of lightning and plunged a kunai through his hand.

All of us stared at him in shock as he held out his bloodied hand.

"I swear I'll protect you with my life! I won't be afraid! Believe it!"

We were all silent for a moment before Kakashi spoke up. "Naruto, that's very brave and courageous of you, but if we don't treat that hand you'll bleed out."

Naruto's eyes almost bugged out of his head. "I'm too young to die! I'm not ready!"

I chuckled, taking Naruto's flailing hand in my own. "Calm down, I'm a medical ninja."

The boys breathing slowed down to a normal rate and I held his wounded hand between my own, green light surrounding them.

"Thank you, (Y/N) sensei." Naruto bowed to me once I was finished and ran up to Sakura to show her his bandage.

"I didn't know you were a medical ninja," Kakashi said, appearing behind me.

"Yeah? Well there's a lot more that you don't know about me too."

Kakashi looked up at the setting sun then scanned the area for a place to set up camp.

"Everyone set up over in the clearing behind those trees. It's getting late, we'll start moving again in the morning."

Everyone listened. Sasuke and I started a fire while Sakura and Naruto laid out sleeping bags for everyone.

The moon was high in the sky by the time we finally finished setting up and ate.

"I'll take first watch," Kakashi stated. "Then (Y/N), then Sasuke and so on."

The five of us nestled down next to the fire while Kakashi sat against a tree with his book in his hand. As tired as I was, and as good as it would have been to get some rest before having to put my life on the line for some criminal tomorrow, I couldn't fall asleep.

"Not tired?" Kakashi asked.

"Not even the slightest."

I heard him lay his book down and slowly walk towards my sleeping bag.

"I could always tire you out if you needed."

I looked up to see his singular grey eye looking down at me, the fire and the moon light reflecting against it made him almost irresistible.

"How do we know they won't wake up? Or if they're even alseep?" I asked.

Kakashi looked at each person individually before moving his gaze back down to me.

"Then I guess we'll just have to be quiet. Won't we?"

A quicky in the bush in the middle of nowhere with three kids and an old man ten feet away? Sounded like a fun time to me.

I got up quietly and followed Kakashi behind a large tree that was about 15 feet away from the campsite.

"Drop your pants," he whispered in my ear.

I did as told and let my pants drop to the ground before kicking them to the side.

Kakashi stared at my legs as he unzipped his pants. "Turn around."

Once again I listened, finding his dominance sexy. I braced myself against the tree and I shivered as Kakashi's cool hands crawled up my thighs and pulled down my underwear.

"Remember, you have to be completely silent," he whisper next to my ear, nipping at the lobe.

I nodded and without a warning he thrust into me. I had to bite my lip and grip the tree to refrain from calling out in both surprise and pleasure.

He did the same thing over and over again. Thrusting into me as hard and deep as he could, purposely trying to make it impossible for me not to moan.

"Are you not having fun?" Kakashi murmured. "Let me hear a moan if you are," he teased, a grin spreading across his face.

He enjoyed this, and not just in a physical way. He was enjoying watching me struggle to stay silent as I bit back my cries of pleasure.

"I guess I'll just have to try harder-"

Kakashi flipped me around and hoisted me up so my legs were wrapped around his hips.

He must have gotten irritated with my shirt because he pulled it over my head and tossed to to the ground, leaving me fully exposed.

"Better?" I asked.

The bark of the tree was biting into the skin of my back, and for every scratch it left on me I left two on Kakashi.

Soon enough Kakashi's rhythm slowed and warm liquid filled me.

I dropped to the ground and on jelly legs found my clothes to put back on.

"You did good. Not a peep came out of you."

I made my way back to the fire and slid into my sleeping bag. Falling asleep as soon as my head hit the makeshift pillow.

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