Taco bell and deep conversations

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*Franks pov* (his hair looks amazing in this pic^ (his hair always looks amazing))

"Where are we going?" I asked as Gerard started the car that he borrowed from his mother just for tonight.

"Well first we need some food right?"

"Umm no not really I don't need food Gerard"

"Yes you do" he turned to look at me his hands still on the steering wheel "you need to eat Frankie it's not healthy to be so skinny" he turned away from me and started backing the car out of the driveway "I know you don't want to but your eating tonight" he turned to me again with a look of sympathy "I only want what's best for you"

"Only the best for the birthday boy" Gerard laughed as we pulled up to a Taco Bell. I giggled a little myself.

"This is the most expensive fancy place in town where you will be offered a five course meal which is in fact quality food served in portions small enough for a mouse" Gerard said seriously as he opened the door for me to walk into this fine restaurant.

Together we joined hands and walked to the counter. I ordered a small taco, no meat because I'm a vegetarian, and Gerard ordered a six pack of tacos. Wow was he really gonna eat all those.

"You're really gonna eat all that?" I asked as we sat down with our food.

"I told you, it's a five course meal"

Gerard dove into his six pack as I slowly picked at my taco, an eerie silence hung over us kind of like the silence of a horror movie before something jumps out.

Gerard looked up at me and sighed. What was wrong? What did I do? I didn't like the disappointment in his eyes. He seemed to be the o my person I didn't disappoint, he was also the only person I tried so hard not to disappoint.

"W-what's wrong?" I asked shyly I was scared my question would make him mad.

"Frank" he paused to figure out what words he wanted to say "I know it's your birthday but we need to have a serious conversation"

I was now worried. What kind of serious conversation? I just nodded in agreement and my eyes went straight back to my taco not looking up again in fear of more disappointment or anger in his eyes.

"Frank I want to talk about your eating habits"

I still didn't look at him.

"You need to eat more your so skinny, I know it's because you think your fat but you're really not" he paused "you need to try to increase your food intake Frankie it's unhealthy to not eat and I don't want something happening to you because I love you"

My heart melted at the words 'I love you' and I finally lifted my head to lock eyes with him.

The moment was cut short and my eyes fell back to the taco as my hands picked away at what was now crow food.

"Gerard, I have a question for you" I mumbled without even glancing up.

"Hit me" he replied.

"Have you been in a relationship before?" I asked my voice shaking a little out of nervousness.

"Yep I had a girlfriend named lynz back in eighth grade" he paused a moment "she was cool but just not the one for me, I think I prefer people who I don't have to worry about getting with others behind my back"

"Don't worry I won't be doing that" I promised to him.

"What about you Frankie?" He asked "such a beautiful person like you must have had a relationship sometime"

"Well" I paused "I dated a girl named Jamia" I didn't say anything else, I was afraid to tell him what happened between us.

"What was she like?" He asked.

"She had brown hair she was pretty but not as pretty as you" wow my flirting skills needed work.

Gerard blushed a little "thanks" there was another silence before Gerard broke it "so how did you guys break up?"

My eyes shot up and I started to panic a little before saying "you first"

He shrugged and answered the question.

"Well turns out Lynz had other boyfriends, many others she was always meeting them at parties and doing things with them she wasn't satisfied with me I wasn't good enough for her and I didn't want someone who was cheating on me so we ended it" he paused and stared out the window for a moment "now tell me your story"

"Promise you won't judge me?"

"I promise"

"Well first off I like guys so that contributes to it and also" I paused I didn't know how to say it and I especially didn't want to say it.

"Go ahead Frankie it's okay I won't judge"

"I-I-I got her pregnant"

Gerard had no reaction he kinda just sat there.

"What happened to the baby?" He asked.

"Went up for adoption we were both too young and scared" a tear slipped down my cheek "I know it was wrong"

"Frank frank look at me" I lifted my head to lock eyes with him "it's no big deal frank you were just stupid kids"

"But I-I ruined her life"

"Frank you didn't ruin her life"

"No you didn't" he grabbed both of my hands in his "it's your birthday let's go have fun"

And with that we stood up and walked back to the car hand in hand.

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