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Addison's POV•

"UGHHHHH!" that was me whining as the sun blinds my eyes! "Get your butt up, your going to be late for school! You have 10 minutes left!" My mother exclaims. "WHAT?!" I scramble out of my bed and check the time, 7:42 am.

"What the fu-frick mum?!" I say, remembering that she hates when I swear because it is 'not lady like'.
Like seriously?! Even 9 year olds swear without getting into trouble and I still have to be babied by this woman I call my mother!

What has the world come to?!

"Sorry but it was the only way I could make you to get up." She says. "Fine, now can you please get out, I have to change!" I say to her. She nods and goes out the door.

I go to my closet and pick my outfit for today.

• pink beats
• black shirt that says 'love'
• rose gold bomber jacket
• music is the answer phone case for iPhone 6s
cute bracelets
• white high wasted shorts
• music note necklace

I like to buy new phone cases that's why I have a new one everyday. I always wore my music note necklace and have never taken it off even in the bath. I wore bracelets to cover the scars. You'll find out about that later. Let's just say don't judge a book by its cover, but judge a book by its story.

That is my motto. And I stick to it.

I go down stairs to be greeted by my dog Coco. I have had coco ever since I was 3 and ever since she was a puppy. My father had got her for me so that when she grows up, she could protect me. And that's what she does. Whenever I'm crying she runs to me straight away and tries to cheer me up. Hey, she may be a dog but she's also a best friend!

I go to the kitchen and see my mother making pancakes. I would rather have muffins but I guess pancakes are alright. I sit down on a chair and wait for my food. She sets it on my plate and I can smell the sweet scent of pancakes. I take a bite in it and finish it in less then a minute. Dayumm I must be hungry.

I always wished we could have a family breakfast but my father had left us when I was 6. It's pretty boring not having a dad around to make funny jokes and have daddy and daughter days. It brings tears to my eyes whenever I see children playing with their dad's with joy filling their eyes. Now I'm 17 I've learnt to live with it. You can't always get what you want can you. And to be honest I'm actually greatful that I have or had a dad because some people loose their fathers which is a very tragic moment.

I've seen a lot of our old albums and they have a picture of me with another boy. I ask my mum who he is but she always replies "it's somebody you were very close with, it was your best friend, you guys were inseparable." If that was my best friend, then how come I don't remember him? I wish I did.

But to be honest this was my favourite picture with him:

But to be honest this was my favourite picture with him:

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I find it pretty cute.

Anyway back to now. I got up and said by to my mother and kissed coco on the head before I went out the door.

Luckily it was close to summer in London. Otherwise I would've died. I live in England, London. I kind of have an accent but then again it sounds nothing like a proper British accent. My mum said I was not born here and was not raised here thats why. Any hoo. I just walked to school. My school was probably the only school in London that does not wear uniform, which unfortunately means some girls wear really short clothes which is very disgusting if you ask me.

At my school nearly every girl is like that, besides me. It's soo gross that they make me gag. Once I get to school I walk to my locker. Luckily my locker is next to the person that I hate the most. My bully. He is the person that made everybody at this school hate me. We were vest friends till that day. I've hated him ever since.

Here's what happened:


I walked into Science class which I had for 3rd period. My teacher Ms. Hudson was teaching us about sex. Eww. She started talking about people getting raped and having sex. Which made me think about something. I tried so hard not to cry. Until I heard my best friend say "Addison almost got raped, but I saved her and ever since then she was depressed!" Tears brimmed my eyes. Everyone started laughing at me. I ran out of class. He had just told the whole class! Now they are gonna tell everybody else.

At lunch everyone stared at me. Laughing. Whispering. And making disgusted faces. I can't believe he would ever do something like that!

The next day he started calling me names. Then mentally bullying me. But a month later it was physical. I'd go home with bruises, but since my mother was a doctor she was never home. But that's when coco always cheered me up. Damn I love that dog soo much!

*flashback over*

He is the reason I get called names. He is the reason I eat in the bathroom all alone. He is the reason I get beaten up. He is the reason I cut. He is the reason I get bullied! It's all his fault I hate him! I HATE LUCAS MATTHEWS!

Hey my lovely pineapples!🍍❤
This is the first chapter and I hope you liked it.
-warning, I'm only 12 almost 13 when I'm writing this so don't hate on my punctuation or the way I write. I suggest you just give me tips or private message me ideas!

(Next bit is for y'all haterz)
I don't care if y'all swear at me and other shit. Coz it's my book and I write it how I want to so stfu if you don't have anything nice to say. Haterz are my motivaterz!

(Now for my pineapples 🍍❤)

I love you all. Be successful. Be unique. Be happy. Show your inner spark. Be greatful. Don't judge a book by its cover, but by its story. Never give up. Haterz are your motivaterz! Keep calm and live life.


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⏰ Last updated: May 07, 2017 ⏰

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