Chapter 5 - I Hear You Knocking

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After Hope woke up screaming from a nightmare about The Hollow, I stayed with her all night. I laid in her bed and held her in my arms, I heard the door open and knew it was Klaus coming to check on her. She was scared for some reason and that worried me, so I hummed to soothe her. It always worked when she was younger.

The next morning, we were getting ready to leave. Hope was cured, so it was time to go.

I heard Klaus call out. "Hope?"

I looked at my daughter. "Go find your daddy. Tell him we're ready to go."

Hope nodded. "Okay, Mom."

"Dad? We're ready to go," Hope told Klaus. "Aren't you coming?"

When Hope came back with Klaus, I noticed something was bothering him.

"Honey," I looked down at Hope. "Why don't you go wait with Aunt Hayley and Uncle Elijah. Your dad and I will be there in a minute."

Hope walked away from us.

I looked at Klaus in concern. "You okay?"

"You need to go to the Bayou without me," Klaus told me.

"Why?" I asked.

"Take Hope, I'll be right behind you," Klaus answered.

"Klaus--" I started.

"Our daughter nearly died. I have to make sure the threat to her is over," Klaus said, cutting me off and he started to walk away.

I rushed in front of him to block his path. "Not without me."

"Nina, Hope needs you," Klaus told me. "Freya will help me here."

"Klaus, tell me what's going on."

"I need to know that our child is safe," Klaus said. "You, Hayley and Elijah can assure that."

I shook my head. "No, I'm not leaving you." Klaus sighed, slightly annoyed. "Listen, Hope had a nightmare last night about The Hollow." Klaus looked at me, alarmed. "Now are you seriously gonna look me in the eye and tell me that I have no reason to worry?"

Klaus sighed, knowing I wasn't going to let this go. "I've been seeing visions of Mikael."

My eyes went wide in concern.


I went to tell Hayley, Elijah and Hope that I was staying with Klaus and for them to head to Mary's without me. I wasn't letting Klaus out of my sight until I knew he was safe from The Hollow.

I knelt in front of Hope, looking at her, apologetically.

Hope looked at me, worried. "Mom, is Dad gonna be okay?"

"Yeah, sweetie," I assured her. "I promise. Don't worry. Once we're done here, we'll be with you real soon."

I pulled Hope close, embracing her. She returned the hug before we pulled away. I stood and looked at Elijah and Hayley.

They nodded and took Hope by the hand as they left the compound. I sighed and placed my hands on my hips, watching them leave before looking around, still worried about Klaus.


Klaus and I met up with Freya at St. Louis Cathedral. Klaus cut his hand, his blood dripping into a bowl.

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