The Discovery

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Cameson's P.O.V.

I ran through the woods feeling the adrenaline rushing through me.  I was patrolling the boreders to see if any rouges were there and I smelled this unique smell. It didn't smell like a rouge, wolf, or human. I was curious so I followed it. I came up to this house and peered inside and then looked up.

I saw a girl peering out of the window with a frighted expression. I growled and thought "Why is it always hard to get them! It's always me to get them" and she shreiked and scurried away. I hear a door slam and then a closet door close. The sliders were open so I stalked through them and came up to a door. I shifted back into a human and found a pair of jeans hanging on a chair. I then slowley opened a door and I heard quick breathing in the closet.

I slowley walked over and I heard a thought in my head. " I'm so stupid right now!

I totally forgot my phone!" I wasn't thinking properly and that didn't register in my head. I kept walking and looked at the room. The walls were painted a deep forest green with animals and trees that looked like they took hours to paint. I studied the rest of the room and saw a deep dark blue bed and the the reat of the wall covered in books.

I then turned my attention to the closet.  I could tell it was locked so I pried the door open. I could hear shallow breathing so I slowley crept towards her. I thought this was odd because most people fought back and she was hiding. I finally got close enough and I ripped the blanket off to see two bright green eyes stairing back at me. Then the girl passed out. I rushed up to her to see who she was.

I studied her features and saw she had dark curly brown hair, freckles dotting her face, and full pink lips. I started thinking of the thoughts in my head and it finally registered. Mate!

The only thoughts you could hear were your mates. I studied her again and smiled. She was mine!

I slowley picked her up and walked into our territory. I set her down against a tree and shifted back into my wolf form. I was an alpha and was the biggest of my clan. I was a dark midnight wolf, the only of our kind. I studied her again thinking she wouldn't wake. I then ran off.

Please tell me what you thought! This is my first time writing a story on here and I'm wondering how I did. I need comments or vote please. I'll update soon.


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