The Break In

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Present Time

Alexa's P.O.V

        3...2...1 Ding! I'm officially 18 years old. Yay.

My name is Alexa Harrow. I'm your average nerd. I have long dark chocolate brown hair, an average face with freckles, and dark forest green eyes. I'm a loner. I hardely ever talk and I'm the teacher's pet.

Right now I'm just sitting in my room reading. My aunt and uncle are on a cruise and they left me alone.  So I'm home just reading my heart out. There has been weird things going on around in the neighborhood. Two people were found dead in the woods mauled just like my parents. Right now I'm kinda on high alert.

I start to listen outside and I look out the window. I go back to my book and I hear "click click click" outside.  I look again and there's a big black wolf growling outside. I start to freak out because the slider is open and my door doesn't have a lock. I shoot right out of my chair and  slam my door.

I then run to my closet with my book and a blanket and lock it. I start thinking.

My parents were killed in the woods. What's going to happen to me? I then go down to my wrist. I have a birth mark there shaped like a wolf's paw. I also have my charms on my wrist. My parents told me to never take it off and I never did. I then hear my door opening and I freeze. What the fudge is going on? No one is here and I'm pretty sure there's no such thing as werewolves or shapeshifters. I'm so stupid right now!

I totally forgot my phone! I hear a growl that snaps me out of my thoughts. I listen closely and then I hear the impossible. My closet starts opening! I start to hyperventilate and then I hear a thought in my hear that's so not my own. I hear a mans voice inside my head saying "Why is it always hard to get them! It's always me to get them." My eyes go wide and I start to see spots.  I'm getting tired and sleepy. I can't get enough air to my lungs! I can't think of anything and the last thing I see is the blanket getting ripped off and staring into two blue eyes as bright as the sky.

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