"What's the name of the one that went missing years ago?" Ashton questioned.

"Brendon Urie," Ed answered. "Amazing hunter. Best of his time."

I've heard of him. He randomly went missing and left no trace. It was thought that he wanted to forget about vampires, wanted to quit hunting so he left. Although, more people think that he was killed by vampires. Looks like it's the second one.

"Met him once." Ashton nodded. "Nice guy. When he wasn't trying to kill me."


"Not even going to say anything about that." Zayn chuckled.

"He was living in America and when he came to the UK, he disappeared," Ed stated.

"What about the other three?" Ashton asked.

"Dougie Poynter, Patrick Stump and Alex Gaskarth," Ed replied. "All disappeared around the same time." I saw Louis look down and Zayn looked deep in thought.

"They're not dead?" Louis asked.

"Not that we know of." Ed frowned. "None of their bodies have turned up and we have to presume that they're still alive. Do you know them?"

"Alex and Patrick." Louis nodded. I felt bad for him. I know Dougie's gone too and all that, but from what he said, he was really close to Alex and Patrick. I grabbed his hand and stroked it with my thumb, smiling at him. "They helped us a lot."

"Do you know what the vampire's planning?" Zayn asked.

"No," Ed replied. "That's where I'm hoping Ashton will help."

"Vampires have been talking about it. They've been running away. They think he's coming here, and from what I've heard, we should stay out of it." Ashton contributed.

"Why? What's so bad about him?" I asked.

"I don't know, but he's built a reputation. He'll kill everyone who stands in his way." Ashton replied. "Look; I don't know the guy. I've only ever heard of him. He's been around for years and I say you guys stay out of this, and the less you guys are involved, the better."

Why hasn't he mentioned this before?

"He's got our friends," Zayn growled.

"Then they're probably dead," Ashton stated. "The only reason Brendon Urie's body hasn't turned up is probably that he was an annoying little shit and they probably used him in a sacrifice or some shit. It's been what, three days? Chances are the three are dead. They've done some shit and they're dead. Don't get your hopes up that they're alive."

We were all taken aback by Ashton's snap. Zayn looked insanely pissed off, which was understandable.

"What the fuck?" Zayn hissed. "It's obvious that you've never been through this before!"

"You don't know shit, Zayn." Ashton frowned.

"Like you actually know how to feel emotions." Zayn snarled, and Louis just sighed and rolled his eyes.

"Would you just shut the fuck up?" Ashton barked; they were doing so well.

"No!" Zayn scowled. "How the hell would you know how this feels? Knowing you could've helped friends but didn't?"

Maybe One Day (L.S au) -Completed-Where stories live. Discover now