Chapter 3

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I stayed in the same position I cried in for a long while debating whether to go comfort my mom or leave her be. I was afraid to do anything at this point but I already knew the decision I had to make, and that was to find out what my mothers problem was.

       I forced myself to leave the position I was in to climb the stairs. I feared every stepped I took as thoughts of bad things filled my mind. Did mom get fired? I questioned myself. I then thought about that for a good while but realized that was probably not the problem. Does she miss that horrible man I called dad?. If that was the case Id be furious with her. My thoughts took the best of me as I climbed up what felt like fifty or more stairs when in reality it was only seventeen. I stood in front of my mother's door holding back my knocks for a few seconds more. I counted in my head up to ten, took a deep breath and then found my knuckles coming into contact with her maple oak door.

      When my knocks stopped I listened for a grant of entrance. Seconds later I heard a groggy "Come in." I opened the door slowly being cautious of what I do.

"Mom are you okay?" I asked walking to her bed side.

She chose not to speak and so I climbed up on her bed and sat beside her.

"Mom talk to me!" I demanded growing extremely impatient with her.

She huffed pulling me into a tight hug.

"I love more than life Jacey, don't ever forget that." She whispered making my ear tickle.

"What's wrong mom." I asked concerned she was really freaking me out.

She paused taking a deep breath. I could also tell she closed her eyes before she spoke.

"I'm just stressed hun I needed to get that out of my system that's all." she replied.

         A faint smile was brought formed on her lips which made me smile as well. I knew it wasn't anything serious. She's just stressed.

"Excuse my lango mom but you scared the hell out of me" I stated jumping up from the bed.

"I'm sorry baby" She said wiping any remaining tears from her eyes.

"I'll tell you everything that's going on, but not now." She quickly added after. I nodded my head and replied with and okay. Until she told me the suspense was going to eat me alive.

"Lets watch a movie?" I suggested. Movies always got mom and I, in a good mood especially when if it was raining out.

We both looked at each other smiling really big

"The Notebook!" We both chanted in unison

I quickly put the disc into the DVD and hopped back on the be. We spent the rest of the night watching our favorite movies and talking about any and everything. But my mind was still wondering what mom had been stressing about.


          I woke up still in moms bed with the sun shining through the curtains. I smiled rubbing my eyes as I yawned. Sitting up I realized mom was not beside me. I thought about where she went off to when I smelled turkey bacon and pancakes. My stomach growled and my mouth watered. Both my nose and my feet led me to the kitchen, where that wonderful smell was coming from. When I got down there I poured a cup of orange juice and sat at the table.

     "Morning mom everything smells great" I said eyeing her hand as she flipped the soft pancake.

"Grab some plates and set the table please." She said smiling. I scurried to the cabinet quickly to grabbing plates and silverware.

      The table was set and mom set all the food on it. I had to contain myself from attacking the stack of pancakes that was placed Infront of me. I rubbed my hands together greedily about to dig in. I stuffed a fork full of heaven in my mouth moaning at all the flavors that assaulted my tongue.

"So good." I hummed with my mouth full of food.

Mom laughed shaking her head taking a bite of her bacon.

We sat and ate breakfast in a comfortable silence. I could tell something was bothering mom again but I kept quiet and continued to eat. Minute after minute passed and mom finally decided to speak.

"Honey, I'm ready to talk about what's been bother me." She stated pushing her plate to the center of the table.

Anxiety grew in the pit of my stomach and suddenly I wasn't hungry anymore.

"Okay." I said giving her an encouraging look to continue on talking.

Her eyes were filled with the same worry I seen yesterday so I knew that everyone word she spoke was about to be serious.

"If I asked you to run away, would you?" Mom asked catching me by surprise.

My eyebrows furrowed causing wrinkles to line my forehead.

"What?" I questioned wondering if she was serious or not. There was no humor to be found on her face. She parted her lips to speak.

"Answer the question Jacey." She demanded.

"It depends on where I'm running away to? How far are we talking mom?"

The room was filled with silence yet again.

"To a different state." She replied. My eyes grew wide. Was she insane?

Yet again she was scaring the hell out of me. My hands grew clammy and my throat dried. I didn't know how to respond to that.

"Why would you want me to run away mom?" I asked leaning forward on the table. Yup she is definitely off her rockers.

"Lets skip over that for now. I have one more question to ask you." She stated. Why the hell would I skip over her asking me if I would run away? Opening my mouth to demand to know what's going on she cut me off to ask her question.

            "What do you know about vampires?"



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