Chapter 2

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Morning came too early for me and I did not want to get up from my comfortable bed. Mom and I spent hours trying to find a dress that was just right for picture day. If it was my choice I would just wear jeans, a hoodie and tennis shoes but no the school wants us to dress to impress. I don't get who we are trying to impress and frankly I just don't care. The dress that we decided on was the black one with the cute bow in the front, to match it I wore my black wedges with sparkling rhyme stones. I felt like a princess.

As I finished curling my hair mom walked in smiling a hesitant smile.

"Honey you look beautiful" She cooed. I smiled at her tucking a curl behind my ear.

"Thanks mom." I replied standing up to hug her.


Later that morning all Seniors including myself headed to the multipurpose room to get our pictures taken. I felt like all eyes were on Amber and I when we walked into the school, a few guys even tried to give us their numbers. I got one of them. Thinking about that made me smile. Amber had to decline because she had a boyfriend

It was my turn to take to a picture, so I did one of my best model posses I could conjure up. After the picture was taken I took my seat next to Amber. Picture day lasted thirty minutes to an hour and so we headed to lunch right after. I didn't eat much but a slice of pizza and drank a bottle of Sunny D.

When I got home mom was there which surprised me because she usually gets home after me. She looked a little on edge about something so I made her some tea and sat down beside her.

"What's wrong mom, you look tense." I implied.

"Its nothing sweetie" she responded.

"Yes there is something wrong when you act like this. Come on mom, tell me." I begged I was growing impatient with my mother as she sat there in silence not saying a word to me.

"Go get ready for dinner Jacey." She replied after moments of silence.

She then got up from her seat to head towards the cabinet to grab our plates. I was angry with her because she wouldn't tell me what bothering her and I hated when people did that.

We ate dinner without a word being said and it was driving me crazy. I'm not use to mom acting this way,matter a fact she never acted this way. Never.

"Mom?" I called out lifting my stake from my plate.

"Yes hun?" she answered not looking at me.

"Would you please look at me?" I replied tears were almost about to spill from my eyes. Again the silence was thick in the room as we ate.

Mom got up from the table in a hurry crying as she climbed the stairs. When she got to her room she slammed the door causing me to flinch at the table. I couldn't fight back anymore with the battle of the waterworks and so I let it all out curling myself into a ball on the chair. I started blaming myself for how my moms been acting towards me. An at that moment all I wanted to do was cry.

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