Chapter 8

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I woke up with a refreshed feeling running through my body. I liked it I was no longer tired but my muscles were sore. I decided that I'd take a shower to relax them, and so I headed towards the bathroom. I stripped my clothes quickly turning on the water and letting it warm up. Once the water was to my liking I stepped in loving the warm water loosen my aching muscles. A sigh of relief found its way from my parted lips. I started to wash after the water relaxed most of the aching, once I started I found myself falling in love with the smell of the soap. It smelt like mango's and oranges. It smelt wonderful If it wasn't soap I think I would have ate it. I cleaned myself quickly and then went back into the room to get dressed. I searched through my duffle bag looking for under clothes to wear after I dried myself off. I found what I was looking for and put it on quickly followed by moisturizing my skin. I then searched for a pair of sweats and a shirt. Searching through my bag I started to tear up because the smell of my clothes smelt like home. I wanted nothing more than to just be there and not in this motel with good smelling soap. I thought of mom as I slid on the sweat pants and the shirt. I thought about her smile, the way she hugged me, the way she would brush my hair when she would come in my room after baking cookies. I missed it all. I wanted to be by her side and just forget about all that has happened.

But until this passes over I have to leave the past behind and start a future somewhere else. As i finished putting on my clothes i went inside the bathroom to fix my hair. When i looked into the mirror i seen a girl who ached for her mothers company. Her brown eyes looked at me with sadness but also determination. Her brown hair cascaded over her shoulders and down her back while her body stood there not moving, she was a girl who once had a home but had to leave sadly due to creatures who wanted to take her away from everything she knew and loved. She was me and i her. I thought to myself for a long while staring into the mirror. Eventually i had to move from the mirror who held me captive, because i had to get going. I had to get further away from this state so that i would not have to be so paranoid at what i do. I had to find real safety and to me that would be as far away from Maryland as i could get. Maybe i could go to California, I've always wanted to go there or maybe Texas. Any place sounded good to me. I just needed away to get there. Walking out of the bathroom i gathered all my belonging putting them back into my bags. Once that task was complete i made up the bed that i had slept my tiredness away.

I started to smile out of no where thinking of the road trip that lay ahead of me. 'Could this be a good thing' i asked myself. I've been always wanting to travel and this could be the perfect opportunity. I picked up both my bags followed by the room key and headed out the door. I have to return the key before i could officially leave. Once i was back at the motel office i was greeted by Anny "Hello darlin, did you sleep well?" she asked i shook my head yes and smiled at her. "Yes the bed was comfy and the soap smelled good enough to eat" i laughed out. She laughed along with making me smile more. She reminded me so much of my mom i couldn't help but smile. "Well Ms.Bishop i better get going. But it was so nice to have met you" i said truthfully. She nodded her head in understanding and made her way from around the desk. "It was so nice to have met you to doll i enjoyed you presence. If your around her again anytime soon fell free to stop by." she mentioned . I nodded my head once more remembering what i wanted to ask her before i left. "Oh before i go do to


*Bus Station*

"Thank you so much Ms. Bishop for taking time out your work schedule to bring me here how much do i owe you" i asked grateful. She really is a kind woman. "You don't owe me anything honey, just be safe you here?" She demanded like mother would. "Yes ma'am i will be. Thanks again." I said waving as she drove back in the opposite direction. Once she was halfway down the road i peeled my eyes from her retreating car. I was to happy to have met a women like Anny Bishop. I skimmed the bus garage as i was deciding where i wanted to go. There was so many places to choose from. Do i want to head further down south or would i want to head completely up north. I then started thinking about the states in both directions I've been to states both up north and down south. So i decided to head West. I grinned like a mad man as i seen a bus heading to Arizona sitting to my left. Once i spotted that i headed straight to the ticket both. "Hi" i greeted to what looked like a man having a bad day. He nodded his before giving a greeting back "Hello. What can i get for you today?" He asked not in the best of moods. "Can i get one ticket to Phoenix Arizona" i asked pulling out my cash. With the click of the mouse my ticket was being printed. "$55.25" He stated sourly. I pulled two fifty dollar bills from the cash that i had in my hand and told the man to keep the change. His mood seemed to change in a instant. "Thank you ma'am enjoy your ride." He said now a little happier. I nodded my head smiling as i walked toward the bus i was going to be riding on. As i boarded the bus the man who will be driving the bus asked to see my ticket. I showed him the ticket and I'm guessing who wrote the bar-code number down.

Once i seated myself inside my seat i pulled out my cell phone along with my head phones and put the head phones in my ears. I turned on my play list and relaxed closing my eyes and breathed out "This is going to be a long bus ride."

*Jacey's Moms POV*

I prayed every second that my daughter was safe. It scared me to my grave sending her out on her own like that. But i know that she will be safe from those blood suckers who prey on young girls and force them into marriage. Ill be damned if they ever thought that id give my baby away to some creature who could drain her lifeless. Hell would freeze over before i let that happened. If i had known the history of the town i would not have thought about moving here, in fact i would have in the complete opposite direction. I feared for Jacey the entire time we lived here since she was eight. I would have moved but i had no choice but to stay for as long as we did. Jacey's father has been looking for us for almost five years after we left without saying a word. He hasn't been able to find us and that's why i stayed here rooted to this horrid town. But now i realized that i should have packed us up long ago and kept it moving. Knocks on the door interrupted my thinking and so i got up quickly to see who it was. When i opened the door i came face to face with a pale faced lady. She looked as if she had not felt the rays of the sun in years. "Hello, Nancy is it." The pale faced lady asked. 'How on Earth had she known my name when i have not seen her a day in my life' i asked myself. "You are probably wondering who i am, and what am i doing here. But all your questions will be answered once we are done with the fitting of your daughter's Jacey's gown." She then added. My jaw hit the ground when i heard the word gown fall freely from her mouth. "Oh dear, i can smell the fear dripping right off you, Do not worry darling you have nothing to fear if you cooperate and do as your told." She mentioned right past me into the living room. "You have an elegant house Ms.Nancy to bad Jacey does not have the privilege to live here anymore." She scoffed and laughed quickly after "Where is the beauty queen anyway." She simply stated looking around. "My daughter will not be fitted for a dress not now not ever. And if she does it will not be by force to marry some leach who will drain her lifeless the second she says i do, but by someone other than your kind." I spat "NOW GET THE HELL OUT MY HOUSE" I all but yelled. "Violent are we? We cannot have that bad energy around the bride to be it is bad luck. So you either tell me where she is or suffer the consequences from hiding the bride from her fate." She stated calmly. I smiled as if the devil himself took control of my body. "I will never tell you where my daughter is you bitch. NEVER.

"I guess you are choosing the hard way i presume, suit yourself." She said darkly. I was scared but i was not going to tell them what i had to do to keep them away from my baby Jacey. A few moments later three men of the same complexion and eye color of the women stood before me. "She refuses to tell me where her daughter is, so we have no choice but to send the rebel of a mother to the king for a punishment" She stated her voice was more demonic and bitter as if something jumped inside her. I knew at that moment that these were the vampires who come to take my daughter.

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