18: Three's A Date?

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“Can you not do that? It distracts me, sorry,” Christian told her with a hint of rudeness.

“Of course, safety first,” she replied back with a bit of a sigh. She closed the mirror and I looked back out my window. I slowly rubbed her right arm through the side of the seat out of Christian’s view to comfort her. She turned back towards me slightly and gave me a smile. We parked in a supermarket carpark. What were we doing at a supermarket? Was this really considered to be a great first date here? We walked inside and Payson had to get the trolley for him. I took it from her and smiled as she caught up to Christian. I might as well do something useful. Most of the hour and a half we spent there was in the produce section. I found out Christian is a vegetarian and apparently so did Payson. As Christian was discussing the best type of asparagus with an employee, Payson stood with me off to the side.

“Are you enjoying yourself,” I asked her,

“It isn’t the ideal first place to go with your boyfriend but I know tonight will be great. He’s making vegetarian lasagna and we’re going to watch a movie. He certainly knows a lot about vegetables, so it should be good,” she said almost with a sigh.

“I’m sorry. Do you think he’ll get better if I left? I could find a hotel tonight and leave you two alone.” As great as that sounded, I didn’t want to leave her sight so that he wouldn’t take advantage of her. He may not seem the type, but somewhere deep down I feel he just might be. I threw my arm around her shoulders and she leaned into me. I could tell she wasn’t happy, but just didn’t want to admit it.

“No, that’s fine. I don’t mind you being here. I’m going to be right back. Stay here.” She walked over to Christian and told him something. Then, she walked back over and motioned for me to follow her. “Let’s pick out dessert.” I may love ice cream, but I think I want her for desert. I smiled silently to myself and then mentally slapped myself. Ashton, you can’t think like that. She has a boyfriend that is about two feet away. I followed her to the freezer isle and helped pick out something. I set trolley to the side and stood next to her in front of one of the clear doors. All of the food here is so different from the food in Australia. The ice cream flavors were very strange for example. We had fun battling each other for the silliest comments to the strange flavors.

“Scotch flavored ice cream: for just that extra kick.”

“The ‘Americone Dream’ is to become even more obese with this ice cream.”

“’Chocolate Therapy’: the perfect cure.”

“’Chubby Hubby’: making your companion fat so you feel better about yourself.”

“’Chunky Monkey’. I have no words.”

“’Everything But The…’ but the what?!”  We couldn’t stop laughing at each other and Payson was almost falling over on me she was laughing so hard. I grabbed her shoulders to help her stand up when one of the employees came over and asked us if we were okay which made us laugh even more.

I coughed and asked her, “We aren’t from around here. What do you think is the best flavor?”

“Um, The scotch might give you that extra jolt late at night, but the Strawberry Cheesecake is the most romantic. I think it just depends on you want the night to go,” she told us very uncomfortably.

“Excuse me?” Payson said very shocked and I couldn’t help but smirk.

“We aren’t a couple,” I kind of laughed.

“Oh, I’m so sorry. Forgive me. Um, you sound Australian, so then I would try the s’mores.”

“Okay, thank you.” Payson said and pulled out the tub of s’mores and then the Chocolate Therapy one.

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