I bowed my head and apologized.

"I'm sorry. My actions were too impulsive and rash."

Seokjin gave a more concerned compassion when he asked,
"Are you still not feeling well?"


"Then please stay back home tomorrow. I'll take care of everything else." He smiled and coaxed me to my warm bed, unraveling my comforter for me to climb in. He pat my head when I looked tucked in, much like when we were younger, and whispered, "goodnight, Taehyung," before closing the door.

All I was able to feel at that moment was a swelling amount of gratitude.

Thank the stars for Seokjin.

It seems my feet had started to carry me off and wander outside the apartment.

My pupils had probably dilated, as I hadn't realized my absent mind would lead me here–

The ruins of a building that used to be my hot shop; my workplace for making my glass creations- or– where I used to make them. Looking at it used to bring me comfort, satisfaction, now it was just a bad memory,

The destructive tools, the yelling, the painful feeling of being stripped of family- your only passion, and not being able to fill that void...

There's a lot of rubble. A little too much for my taste. I wish those who wrecked it had the decency to at least replace it with another establishment–or something- it would've made moving on so much easier...

Instead, I only found myself looking around the bleak studio, trying to keep from my glossed eyes being let loose. The broken-off bright cream walls only stand up about a good foot from the ground, looking cracked and more of a dirty beige.

Half of the furnace was still standing– and I couldn't keep to myself any longer. My open-toed feet began to frantically maneuver their way through broken debris and even glass– the pain seeping through my feet not a priority of mine at the moment.

As soon as my hand had grasped the remaining bricks of the furnace, more more minuscule glass pieces digging into my palms. At that point there wasn't much holding back taking place, as the tears were spilling faster than I expected. The salted tears hit the shards like broken mirrors, feeling the burdens of my memories. My mind was far from ready to go to work, or anywhere at all. I just made my way back to the curb where I took a seat, pulling my hoodie over my head to keep away the pinching wind.

I was aware that I looked like a melodramatic scene in a film, but to that I say fuck it, because I could truly care less of what it seemed to be. On the inside, it really was a swarm of fire running across my head to the edge of my fingertips.

Good god...


Silver bells gave my mind quite a rude wake-up call, my lulled head finally looking up and ahead to find that it was none other than the pixie approaching.

Half of me felt relieved and the other just felt numb. He finally arrived to the spot next to me and I could sense his round eyes burning curious holes into the top of my hoodie, from where I refused to look up directly at him from.

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